Chinese Zinoro 60H is Based on the BMW X1

Meet the new Zinoro 60H from China, a sub-brand of the joint venture between BMW and Brilliance. Their goal is to make new-energy vehicles, so-called NEV’s.

Zinoro 60H

The first car from this production was the Zinoro 1E and it was based on the old BMW X1. Now they are making the new vehicle based on the new BMW X1 Li, dubbed 60H.

In order to make cars in China, the foreign company needs to form a joint venture with the local company with a 50/50% ownership. That’s the general story behind the BMW-Brilliance joint venture.

The BMW X1 Li is a long-wheelbase Chinese edition of the X1 and it debuted at the Beijing Auto Show. The car was produced by BMW-Brilliance.

Zinoro 60H

As for the Zinoro 60H, it runs on a 1.5-liter 3-cylinder turbo engine of 136 HP with a 15 HP electric engine, which total to 151 HP output. As claimed by the makers, it accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.6 seconds, uses 1.8 l of fuel per 100 km, and has the electric range of 60 km.

The next project from Zinoro will be a full electric version.

Visit: BMW-Brilliance

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