19th BMW Art Car Design Unveiled

The newest, 19th BMW Art car will be designed by the American Artist John Baldessari, while the one after it will be created by the Chinese artist Cao Fei. By doing this, Baldessari and Fei will be joining many exquisite artists who designed previous Art Cars, such as Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, Alexander Calder, Jeff Koons, David Hockney, Robert Rauschenberg, and Roy Lichtenstein.

bmw art car

The unveiling of the 19th BMW Art Car is announced for November 30. It will happen at Art Basel in Miami Beach. Fei’s Art Car will probably be revealed during the next summer, and the location is still unknown.

For his creation, Baldessari used the BMW M6 GT3. His love for primary colors such as blue, red, and yellow is well-known, and he explained why his design looks like it does:

I figured my use of colored dots is kind of an iconic series, so I had to include that.

Fun fact: John Baldessari (1931) will be the oldest artist who designed an Art Car, while Cao Fei (1978) will be the youngest.

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