Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners


Well-Known Member
For those who has NOT changed their stock HU, or those whose aftermarket HU does not have RCA output ie those using Hi-low converters, you are strongly recommended to swtich to a David NAvone one. Patented competition grade LOC (aka hi-low converters in local context) which has been tested to produce output signal 4 times better than mid-priced japanese branded aftermarket HU. Click Adaptors.

Local agent only has the NE-774V. $68.

DAvid NAvone has installed and built ICE stuff since 1960s.

ICE DIY enthusiasts swear by it ! (the brand i mean..they have other stuff)

pls lemme know asap... i m getting mine.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Which model are you getting? Where can I get more details? I'm very keen, please count me in if there is a group-buy.

Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

emiffy said:
Which model are you getting? Where can I get more details? I'm very keen, please count me in if there is a group-buy.


The NE-774V which is four channel version of NE-7V. According to David himself, the circuitry is the same for both.
Actually i only needed the 2 channel NE-7V which is about $50 but the local agent only has Ne-774V which costs $68.

If i am just buying one NE-7v , and order from the net... probably have to wait for shipping etc.. so i though might as well just get from the local agent. Unless most of us only need the two channel one, i can see wat i can do with the agent or david himself.

So far Jaskin and yourself has expressed interests... lets see wats the order first, and will proceed dependingly..
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

So would this make my ICE setup sound like it has a new HU?
Wah... I just sat in Iceman's car... Orgasm man. Orgasm
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

I am interested. I have a set of Velocity amps and a few speakers (MB Q) that I removed from my previous ride. Seems that the previous owner of that car paid quite a sum of money for his installation. I dismantled it when I scraped the car. I am thinking of putting them into my E46.

I am also waiting for PML to schedule me to install their 16:9 LCD panel (with GPS). What should I do first - the hifi upgrade, or PML GPS?
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

jaskin said:
So would this make my ICE setup sound like it has a new HU?
Wah... I just sat in Iceman's car... Orgasm man. Orgasm

He must be busy cleaning up his car now keke...
I cannot answer your question directly but according to pple i know and of cos DAvid NAvone himself, it may sound better than many aftermarket HU. I dont think it will sound better than say an alpine 9835, and it certainly doesnt give u extra functions, but it enhances the signal up to 9 volt !! It will CERTAINLY be better than your current one la.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

PML GPS then integrate work out from there would be what I would do.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

MapleLeaf said:
I am interested. I have a set of Velocity amps and a few speakers (MB Q) that I removed from my previous ride. Seems that the previous owner of that car paid quite a sum of money for his installation. I dismantled it when I scraped the car. I am thinking of putting them into my E46.

I am also waiting for PML to schedule me to install their 16:9 LCD panel (with GPS). What should I do first - the hifi upgrade, or PML GPS?

i m not familiar with GPS... and depends on wat PML is gonna do with your car.
u may start a new thread and see if anyone can answer your query...

i'll see the response and asked for an "official" interests soon.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Not sure if I'm going OT, but went to see David Navone's autosound2000 website, and it's a treasure-trove of materials.

Let's see if I understand correctly:

1. for stock HU, speaker-level output
2. place LOC close to the amp, i.e., in the boot of the E46
3. take speaker-level output and pump it into LOC
4. take output from LOC and use RCA into amp
5. run new cabling from amp to speakers

couple of questions:
a. for (3), can we use back the same speaker wires?
b. does LOC bother about whether the speaker input is balanced-pair?
c. for (5), new speaker cables to the front speakers - how to run that?

I'm definitely intrigued by David's claim that most stock HU with his LOC will out-perform mid-priced aftermaket HUs.

Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

emiffy said:
Not sure if I'm going OT, but went to see David Navone's autosound2000 website, and it's a treasure-trove of materials.

Let's see if I understand correctly:

1. for stock HU, speaker-level output
2. place LOC close to the amp, i.e., in the boot of the E46
3. take speaker-level output and pump it into LOC
4. take output from LOC and use RCA into amp
5. run new cabling from amp to speakers

couple of questions:
a. for (3), can we use back the same speaker wires?
b. does LOC bother about whether the speaker input is balanced-pair?
c. for (5), new speaker cables to the front speakers - how to run that?

I'm definitely intrigued by David's claim that most stock HU with his LOC will out-perform mid-priced aftermaket HUs.


whatever u have now....replace the hi-low converter to a davidnavone one...

One thing to note... some amps take in high lvl input, so no need to use an LOc actually..
a. yes
b. not sure
c. just like how u run currently.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

emiffy said:
couple of questions:
a. for (3), can we use back the same speaker wires?
b. does LOC bother about whether the speaker input is balanced-pair?
c. for (5), new speaker cables to the front speakers - how to run that?

I'm definitely intrigued by David's claim that most stock HU with his LOC will out-perform mid-priced aftermaket HUs.


A: yeah, but remember that stock spk wires are crappy also. I dunno whether it would make a huge difference. If want to change, it involves running good spk cables from original HU, all the way to the boot, wire to LOC, then a short RCA into the amp. I think in normal cases, installers just take the signal from the rear speakers.
B: huh?
C: Normal way lah. Amp in boot need to run speaker cables to the front speakers under the carpets.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Ok..gentlemen... need to finalise order.

Jaskin, Emiffy and mapleleaf...pls confirm your order by PM me your name, nickname, contact number and also your quantity (one should be enough.)

Anyone who is thinking of buying...dont think. It is probably the best bang for your buck !!

Order close Wednesday 10pm.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

If I am running a stock system in my e39, how does this help in improving the sound quality in my car? Got a bit lost in the jargon.

Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

sierrasg said:
If I am running a stock system in my e39, how does this help in improving the sound quality in my car? Got a bit lost in the jargon.


keke.. i got many PM asking me also. Lemme try to explain , to the best i can... My explanation will be based on a simple upgrade cos there are situations of upgrade which u do NOT need this hi-low converter.

Basically, assuming just bought the car. Done Nothing for car audio. Stock sucks bigtime and u wanna upgrade.
SO u wanna change the front speakers to better aftermarket ones. Usually u will get a set of component speakers ie tweeters and midbass. THen u require an ampiflier to drive the components. This is where the hi-low converter comes in.
To connect our stock HU to an amp, in most cases, u need a hi-low converter. Most installers does not use a competition grade one. So this thread is about using a competition grade one, which is claimed to produce signal even better than a midpriced japanese HU.

To answer your question directly... if u do not intend to do anything at all, just like how it was when the car came out of the showroom, then u do NOT need it.

Btw, agent out of town till monday. Confirm orders pls reach be by this Sunday 12pm. Thanks.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

You need to have an aftermarket amp added. This thingy enhances the way this amp is connect to your original HU.

For a stock system - can't use.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Do I need this when I change my stock HU to BMW Nav System (with GPS) - assuming I want to mod with additional amp and replace speakers. i.e. does the nav system (16:9 LCD screen unit) comes with line-out, or only speaker-out like the stock HU? 318i Sports Edition 4-door.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners


When are you expecting it to arrive? I'll be sending in my car to HG on Tuesday or Monday. BTW confirm I only need one right? I believe my setup is this 3 amps ==> Audiocontrol EQL ==> speakers.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Ok. Many thanks for elaborating. Got it now.

Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

jaskin said:

When are you expecting it to arrive? I'll be sending in my car to HG on Tuesday or Monday. BTW confirm I only need one right? I believe my setup is this 3 amps ==> Audiocontrol EQL ==> speakers.

Looking at yr equipment, your set up should be

BMW HU -> Audiocontrol EQL -> 3 amps -> speakers.

Your new setup will be

BMW HU -> LOC -> Audiocontrol EQL -> 3 amps -> speakers.

Unlike others, your Audiocontrol EQL already accepts speaker level inputs, and converts to RCA signals to the amps. By adding the LOC, it means that your EQL input is now via RCAs from the LOC, and no longer directly from HU speaker wires.

In other words, you will be comparing the LOC conversion sound quality vs the Audiocontrol's internal one.
Re: Competition Grade Hi-low converter for OEM HU owners

Would I have to change the internal wiring with the Dave Narone setup?