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BMW 320I Sale/scrap value


I m leaving for overseas soon for some time so seems a shame to just leave my car lying around. Besides it has only 1yr 8 months left on its COE so was thinking of selling it or what not.

2006 Feb E90, 320i

does anyone has any clue what is the body value of this car? The higest offer from a dealer so far is 34K. My paper value is 25k. Without knowing the body value hard to make a decision... was thinking of trading it in to AD for a new ride also.. which makes more sense? couldnt find any updated data on this car in the forums here.

any input would be appreciated. thanks!
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

My input is....

"...leaving for overseas soon for some time so seems a shame to just leave my car lying around..."


"...was thinking of trading it in to AD for a new ride also.."

has no meaning....
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Simply put im asking if anyone knows what is body value.

Thanks for your comment, which doesnt help answer anything and serves little purpose. What is the point of your post bro? If you need clarification, you can ask ask nicely instead of saying it "has no meaning".

Just because something doesnt make sense to you doesnt mean it doesnt make sense to everybody. I suggest you amend your post to "doesnt make sense to me".
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

it has no meaning to me
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Is this a post count thing? Youre trying to get more points? Post all this uselss stuff for what?
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

I have many points. Can exchange for free decal
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

The real body value is determined by the dealers.

You check with 5 dealers, their levels will be the best indications. You can hit them on their bid.

You check with 50 forumers, even the best body value given here will NOT be deal-able.
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

kenntona;1087506 said:
The real body value is determined by the dealers.

You check with 5 dealers, their levels will be the best indications. You can hit them on their bid.

You check with 50 forumers, even the best body value given here will NOT be deal-able.

Who are ur dealers? I thot the buyers of your body nego with u your body price and duration they want your body for?

Or are u just post clocking?
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

MW said:
Who are ur dealers? I thot the buyers of your body nego with u your body price and duration they want your body for?

Or are u just post clocking?

You ask valid question in a polite manner, I will answer you with a valid response in a polite manner.

You ask question in an imbecile nature, I will answer akin to post clocking.
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

kenntona;1087508 said:
You ask valid question in a polite manner, I will answer you with a valid response in a polite manner.

You ask question in an imbecile nature, I will answer akin to post clocking.

Just because something seems imbecile to you doesnt mean it is to everybody. I suggest you amend your post to "you ask a question which seems imbecile."
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Thanks Kenntona, I dont know if i ve done anything to cause this guy to come in and spew his self righteous bullshit all over this thread.
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

joshua182;1087495 said:
If you need clarification, you can ask ask nicely...

So, are you leaving town or changing car?
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Just listen to this guy. If i wasnt doing my ICT right now and have all the time in the world to waste words with him im not sure i would ever bother if it was otherwise.
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

joshua182;1087511 said:
Thanks Kenntona, I dont know if i ve done anything to cause this guy to come in and spew his self righteous bullshit all over this thread.

Just because something is bullshit to you doesnt mean it is bullshit to everybody. I suggest you amend your post to "seem like bullshit to me".
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Oilman;1087512 said:
So, are you leaving town or changing car?

Hey bro im changing car, but also gg overseas for four months. Was thinking of either selling first, come back then buy, or trade in now and just nice have the new car delievered before my return. Thanks!
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

yah I am quite sad today. Laksa stall not open
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Oh perhaps i wasnt clear on that too. I meant it figuratively, not literally. My apologies. Not.
Re: BMW 320I Sale/scrap value

Tat was my best picture

Took it for my bus pass for my poly this year

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