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This couple could ruin your day!!!

Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

BryanW said:
in my humble opinion, i disagree that the tissue system is intepreted as being kiasu, everything we must be 1st. it is more of putting our "personal interests" 1st, making our lives easier. as such, people search for empty seats and use the tissue packet to reserve before joining the queue to buy food instead of buying food 1st and then searching for an empty seat "thinking long term". it is the "culture" that when somebody sees a tissue packet on an empty seat at the food court, it means that the seat has already been "reserved" and he/she should not remove the tissue and happily occupy the seat unless he/she wants to start a "war".
So "choping" parking lots with chairs and bins and cones is fine too?
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

your question rather ambiguous. lets put it this way, its about managing the expectations of each other with the norms of society playing a part.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

BryanW said:
your question rather ambiguous. lets put it this way, its about managing the expectations of each other with the norms of society playing a part.
Really? The case was a choping of a parking lot for a car that is physically NOT there. "She told me to park elsewhere as she was 'chope-ing' the lot for her husband who was on his way....... First come first serve...... If I can chope seat in a foodcourt with a tissue packet, I can chope a parking lot."

I can see the the similarities of :

(1) reserving a public seat for someone not there yet and
(2) reserving a public lot for a car which is not there yet.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

its common to use tissue packets to chope seats at food courts or use cones/dust bins to chope parking lots in advance. but now this particular lady in question physically used herself to chope a parking lot in advance putting herself at risk. before this case was publicised, was there anybody who though of such an idea and carried it out? worth it? to her maybe but to others they might think its silly. then again, it is how important the lot/seat means to them at the current point of time and how far they are willing to go to secure it
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

somebody can purchase his food 1st at the food court and later hunt for a seat. but will he be assured of a seat? as such most people would rather secure the seat 1st with the tissue and then queue up to buy their food. if somebody really cant get a seat cos its too crowded, would he still go queue up and buy food? quite unlikely unless he ordering takeaway. he cant possibly enjoy the meal without a seat. as such he will most likely have a change of plans of where to eat.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

BryanW;409410 said:
somebody can purchase his food 1st at the food court and later hunt for a seat. but will he be assured of a seat? as such most people would rather secure the seat 1st with the tissue and then queue up to buy their food. if somebody really cant get a seat cos its too crowded, would he still go queue up and buy food? quite unlikely unless he ordering takeaway. he cant possibly enjoy the meal without a seat. as such he will most likely have a change of plans of where to eat.

wow...!!!didnt know the topic kinda rolls out...but stay within OB markers..

my take - if she kenna knock bcos she "chop" lot, i dunno who will be suay or kiasu..
just like that poor chap who stop the taxi n kenna killed!

if tissue on table, i m fine if i not in hurry, otherwise, either i tilt my soup to splash on table where no one gets it or i simply sit on table n wallop my food.

so end of day, lets be gracious to each other...:screwedu: b4 someone breaks down...

xiao lan pah lan bo sar lar!!!! ppl who r not right of mind hit someone no case to sue him...
like our poor MP Seng.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

In the spirit of competitiveness, I present to you the "chopers".......
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Seriously when it comes to such situations, just be gracious about it. Why compete with such baffoons? They will only drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.

You just can't win. There's nothing to lose being gracious so lets all take it easy. You walk away being the bigger man and that brightens your day. On the other hand, that cockhead gets to celebrate his shortlived glory. Fair and square.

Call me uncompetitive, or kia-xi. I don't chope, I hate joining queues (and never jump queue) and I always avoid such confrontations especially when it comes to car park lots. It just ain't worth it. The cockhead is driving a Swift, and you drive a Bimmer (no offense against Swift owners but just for simple comparison). Treasure your property coz he won't when he comes back later to 'authograph' on your ride. Trust me, coz these people (ones who lose in such scenarios) will do that.

Life is short. Enjoy your ride.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Such incident actually happens not only in Singapore. It happened to me when i was in San Francisco. I was looking for parking for almost 20 mins and finally found an empty slot (SF Parking sucks ass). While i was reversing into the slot this black lady stood behind my car and told me she's holding the spot for her husband. She even dared me to reverse and knock her down. Since i didn't want to create any trouble with the blacks, i put my car into N and revved it (i was driving my porsche 997s with Muffler bypass) I could see the stunned and annoyed face from her as i drove off.

I simply couldn't stand these socially retarded people.....
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Antz;411261 said:
I simply couldn't stand these socially retarded people.....

You got that term right! SOCIALLY RETARDED PEOPLE....:singsing:
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

I can see both sides : life is short & why bother with folks like these? On the other hand, there is a basic issue of fairness.

Hypothetically, if you have an MPV with 7 passengers, is it OK if they all split up and each look for a lot to stand in while trying to get in touch on the driver's mobile which presumably will be busy most of the time. Or should we impose a rule that you can chope just one lot by standing there but not more? Sheesh....
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Although i understand TS point of view, IMHO, i see no fault in the logic that one could 'chope' a parking lot by standing there, assuming she is there first. It's not like she put up a chair there and started drinking coffee. She has a need for the carpark at the exact same instance. It's just the car is not physically there yet.

Yes, the act itself is a bit 'kiasu'. I wouldn't ask my passengers to go out scouting for parking lots, but to be honest, if i had been driving 30 mins with no luck in the carpark, and already 10 mins late for a movie, i would deploy everyone in the car ... grandparents included. I could argue i need a lot more than anyone too ... so, this logic is not flawed ... but, very subjective depending on your POV.

Consider food court case. Applying the same logic that 1 person was sitting at a table of 4, where he is 'chope'ing the remaining seat for his friends. It is generally acceptable practice, as i think many have agreed here. So, if i came along with a tray, yes, i could argue that i need a place to sit, and their friends are not back, so why can't i sit? I need it at that 'precise' moment while their friends will only return a few mins later. So, am i wrong ? or should i just look for another place to sit? Same concept with car park too right?

So perhaps the fact that we haven't seen as much of it happening, or maybe it was just that the lot so 'on' right next to entrance. If the lot was in some dark dingy corner, and somebody 'chope'ing ... would this same question arise?

just my 2 cents.
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

nitefyre;412325 said:
Although i understand TS point of view, IMHO, i see no fault in the logic that one could 'chope' a parking lot by standing there, assuming she is there first. It's not like she put up a chair there and started drinking coffee. She has a need for the carpark at the exact same instance. It's just the car is not physically there yet.

Yes, the act itself is a bit 'kiasu'. I wouldn't ask my passengers to go out scouting for parking lots, but to be honest, if i had been driving 30 mins with no luck in the carpark, and already 10 mins late for a movie, i would deploy everyone in the car ... grandparents included. I could argue i need a lot more than anyone too ... so, this logic is not flawed ... but, very subjective depending on your POV.

Consider food court case. Applying the same logic that 1 person was sitting at a table of 4, where he is 'chope'ing the remaining seat for his friends. It is generally acceptable practice, as i think many have agreed here. So, if i came along with a tray, yes, i could argue that i need a place to sit, and their friends are not back, so why can't i sit? I need it at that 'precise' moment while their friends will only return a few mins later. So, am i wrong ? or should i just look for another place to sit? Same concept with car park too right?

So perhaps the fact that we haven't seen as much of it happening, or maybe it was just that the lot so 'on' right next to entrance. If the lot was in some dark dingy corner, and somebody 'chope'ing ... would this same question arise?

just my 2 cents.

I agree :lol2:
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

All photo from Stomp.

"chao angmao, cannot see my tissue paper is it? Blind huh?"

Somewhere else:

"I see ugly people.......all the time...some with tissue paper..." :lol2:
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

One afternoon we should go around at lunch time collecting all the tissue paper packs.... wearing Darth Vader and Stormtrooper helmets.... lol...

And then watch the mayhem that ensues when chopers come back to find their seats taken - best if taken by subsequent chopers...
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

Let's gang up with MCF...there are some lau heroes there who willing to take off and teach these oomen a lesson

heck...we can even have this as a pre-meet meetup....the friday before.....and that is TOMORROW...hahaha
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

This kinda thing Silver sure on. Especially if can film the whole thing down. Hehehehe....
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

I never knew putting this post up could yield mega projects like this...standing ovation...clap clap clap...
Re: This couple could ruin your day!!!

I understand exactly how you're feeling.
Even with the tissue situation, I have taken MANY tissue packets and thrown them on the floor... I don't care if it belongs to a male or female.
Then, if they look my way, I proceed to glare at them. No one dares to talk to me after that :)
I once scolded a girl, saying exactly what u said' epitomizing the ugly s'porean'. Seriously, these kinds of people should be c**trated and sent to the gallows.