Xenons for facelifted cabrio


Core Group Members
Isn't yours xenons in the 1st place??

Nope... just new kind of lenses so look more white thats all...
Re: Xenons for facelifted cabrio

SMYUEN said:
Yo guys,

Anyone know how to get the above xenons apart from PML??? Everything from PML is really ex....

Also any angel eyes in the making??


Angels Eyes for FL coupe/cab are out already..
Somebody posted the pix recently bro, go dig em out if u hv time :)
Here u go
Clueless...suspect in the region of perhaps US 200-400? ..dunno :errr:
Try to search e-bay bro if u can...
blackm54 said:
PML quoted me $4983.95 including labour. I fainted straight away.

Wah piang... thats damn scary....
but mebbe that includes the auto leveling mechanism ?
blackm54 said:
PML quoted me $4983.95 including labour. I fainted straight away.

Thats absorbitant... PML is reserved for those swimming in money... those who can spend 20,000 without a blink.. so 5,000 for lights is actually cheap...

:shoot: them!