Selling my creative zentouch mp3 player,a device with wonderful battery life of 24-hrs and capacity of up to 10000 songs. Comes with standard leather casing, and a remote controller that will enable FM/AM as well! Hours of music guaranteed.
Used for slightly over a year, selling for $220 (neg). Call/sms to 91518988. :juggle:
Features & Benefits
•Touch Pad Control for fast scrolling
•Up to 24 hour(2) battery life at 128kbps MP3 or 32 hour(2) at 48kbps MP3 continuous playback
•Up to 97dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio - as good as expensive hi-fi systems!
•20GB hard drive holds up to 10,000 WMA or 5,000 MP3 songs(3)
•Create and customize playlists on-the-go
•Unique search function locates any song, album or artist
•USB 2.0 for faster transfer
•4-band custom equalizer and advanced EQ presets let you customize your music playback
•AudioSync™ lets you seamlessly update your Creative Zen Touch with your latest music on your PC at the touch of a button
Used for slightly over a year, selling for $220 (neg). Call/sms to 91518988. :juggle:
Features & Benefits
•Touch Pad Control for fast scrolling
•Up to 24 hour(2) battery life at 128kbps MP3 or 32 hour(2) at 48kbps MP3 continuous playback
•Up to 97dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio - as good as expensive hi-fi systems!
•20GB hard drive holds up to 10,000 WMA or 5,000 MP3 songs(3)
•Create and customize playlists on-the-go
•Unique search function locates any song, album or artist
•USB 2.0 for faster transfer
•4-band custom equalizer and advanced EQ presets let you customize your music playback
•AudioSync™ lets you seamlessly update your Creative Zen Touch with your latest music on your PC at the touch of a button