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WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

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Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Modified kit? Looks like from Porsche calipers? What car did they came out from?
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Also seems like quite a fair bit of wear on the rotor from ONLY a month of usage
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Can get workshop to inspect and verify no problem. Waiting for invoice to prove purchase date also. =)

Just dekitted, haven't cleaned back to it's glorious state. hahaz...
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

No way they are. Even the rotors hardware. Better check with your friend again
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4


i think this set is GT for Porsche
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Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Calipers are definitely Made by Brembo......but not the Original Gran Turismo kit for BMW E9x non-M...

Mounting hardwares on Bell to Rotor also much different....

Pic below is the actual Bremo GT BBK for E9x 335

The pic posted by TS is definitely a Porsche 6 pot Caliper.......
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Not to destroy your sale but please do check again on the brakes. For a full brembo GT brakes at 7k, somewhere is not right
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

gadaffi;1086760 said:
Not to destroy your sale but please do check again on the brakes. For a full brembo GT brakes at 7k, somewhere is not right
A fellow forummer got 6 pot 405mm at $7k indeed

only the front pair
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

wilman2772;1086742 said:
Calipers are definitely Made by Brembo......but not the Original Gran Turismo kit for BMW E9x non-M...

Mounting hardwares on Bell to Rotor also much different....

Pic below is the actual Bremo GT BBK for E9x 335

The pic posted by TS is definitely a Porsche 6 pot Caliper.......

Thanks bro for the alert. Will get him to check back with BOSS first.
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Sale on hold till facts verified.

Meanwhile, does anyone know what kit this is then? Sincere apologies. Will update the thread accordingly once confirmed.
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

More likely is Mixed and Matched kit....

Porsche 6pot refurbished caliper with Taiwan Rotors and brackets.....
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

U can google and see there are many Porsche 6pot calipers on Ebay....

These conversion is very popular with Audi and VW
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

Jason8822;1086774 said:
A fellow forummer got 6 pot 405mm at $7k indeed

only the front pair

my friend got better deal... close to 4k with installation

rear 4 pot!! hahahaha
Re: WTS: Brembo GT BBK 6/4

people nowdays buy Taiwan or China BBK and then stick Brembo over it.

Front and Rear 6/4 pot total less than 5k!

Best deal!
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