Will you help?

Well done Sean :thumbsup:

True..many Sgpeans dun bother to help cos they have the 'social loafing' attitude and wait for others to help first. This is normal in society..but in SG, I have noticed that it is more rampant liao..

Most accident scenes see ppl slowing down just to kpo and seldom assist the victims :whattheh:

Think they dun want to get their hands dirty.. :screwedu:
Bad experience you faced there.

The other motorists were motorcyclists or what? Or cars from the pendicular junction?

Hope the guy was okay, i also witness this accident with a bike on the ECP last night..smashing into the back of a taxi taxi. In the right Right lane..the bike was smashed into BITS..but the amazing thing is, the rider was asking the passenger in the taxi whether he was ok. Looked like the passenger suffered from minor whiplash.

Got a hell lot of people there so i didn't stop.

Bad things about such accidents is that the rider doesn't know whether he's suffering from internal bleeding in the cranium. :errr:
Racebred said:
what you mean finally? knn....

Hahahaa... :laughlik: in sg. ppl will just drive slow and kaypo without stopping for help. but u make it change.. so finally got someone did ! like that swee boh ? hahahahaa
Kudos for doing the right thing. How did the matter get resolved?

I once asked a boy what is the meaning of ignorant and apathetic and he answered me .... "I dont know and I dont care..."

But seriously, you brought up this thread at exactly the right time cos i wanted to put up a similar story too!!!

You know after seeing you at the Hougang clinic yesterday afternoon, I needed to get to Pasir Ris. So I took Tampines Road leading to TPE. I was on the rightmost lane at that time and was cruising happily when I saw this fella...(now this is gonna shock you ...cos it shocked me!) .. virtually reading a newspaper while driving!!!! And I'm not talking about driving an auto car with right hand on the wheel and left hand holding a folded paper. I'm talking about virtually taking BOTH his hands off the wheel and holding the newpaper which is spread over the wheel. Basically he is holding the newspaper spread right in front of him and using only his wrist to guide the steering wheel!!! Bloody hell!!! Can you even believe this inconsiderate dork!!! He was driving slowly in the centre lane while reading newspaper and forcing other drivers to overtake him!!!

So what i did was to drive alongside his Toyota and give a friendly short honk and signalled over to him to ask him "please... not to do that". Guess what? He put down his papers and flick his head up with a smug look as if asking me "what the F@#k do YOU want?!" Can you even imagine that this kind of people exist?! So I ignored him and pushed on.

What happened subsequently was that I had to filter left into the TPE and as I do so, he quickly sped up intentionally almost banging into my rear, flashed at me and gave me a long honk!!! I could not believe what happened... Gosh! He continued to tailgate me and flashed at me even after that! And all I did was to kindly remind him not to endanger himself and other road users and that was what I got !?? What kind of f-up society we have around here?!?

I decided I had enough and before he push me into an accident or I push him into a corner and shove my jack up his ass (...well he's a jackass anyway...hehe...) ...not necessarily in that order, I better 'siam' and I left him to smell 3Ci smoke....

(BTW... if you're the driver of the brown toyota ...the jerk I'm talking about and you're reading this thread.... i suggest you exit and open up your Microsoft Word and look very hard for an "appeal to TP" or "letter of explanation to TP" template....cos you're gonna need it very soon!)

Shit man.... looks like Singaporeans cannot take positive reminders nor criticisms . Everything got to shove down their throat then they listen...sigh....

Topaz BLue NOT a jackass...

Can I hav the hp number of dat chio gal? I am a professional counseller.

We all help one another.

RB....highly commendable act
Arsony, would hv likely done the same.

I wasnt born here nor grew up here but I hv encountered enough people with f***up attitude.....It's just unbelieveable if u ask me.... :screwedu: :screwedu:
Re: Will you help?

DVanos said:
RB, there is something between u n "catapulted" bikers...

there was once on north south, u pulled to d left to help a biker who run into a stationery vehicle on the road shoulder. d rider catapulted and landed infront of the car. u went to offer your help. tat's really nice of u.

Now that I also recall after he told me bout that story where once upon a time there were these 2 Masers....
Re: Will you help?

TripleM said:
DVanos said:
RB, there is something between u n "catapulted" bikers...

there was once on north south, u pulled to d left to help a biker who run into a stationery vehicle on the road shoulder. d rider catapulted and landed infront of the car. u went to offer your help. tat's really nice of u.

Now that I also recall after he told me bout that story where once upon a time there were these 2 Masers....

yup, 1st time 2 maser went up for track together, day trip, so chiong back same day. massive traffic jam on d way back esp. around kl. a lot of bikes n cars travel on road shoulder. its really dangerous. but left lane IS faster lah... :(

Senior Doc,

What a bum you met. Think you let him off too lightly. Should have done some of your tricks... kekeke
i think it is time we review some of the road safety campaigns that the authorities have been embarking on. For example, the latest one is "Speeding overturn lives". Now, how in the ^%#)*#%_#+_*^#& can speeding overturn lives? Think about it! Let's use Sean's experience as an example. Was the chio bu speeding? NO. Let's take senior doc's example. Was the ass-hole speeding? NO. But, they are even more dangerous than a speedster! I said it once and i will say it again, speeding does not kill, stupidity does. The authorities needs to re-look the whole situation and fix it quickly. Stop harping on the speed element. The big issue is the lousy, boh-chap attitude that is like a virus among the majority of the singaporean drivers. Start telling people to drive with their brains and not just with their hands and feet.
Re: Will you help?

Hi RB,

Kudos to you again for your heroic act. After you shared the last incident at NS, I was already imagining what it would be like if the same incident had happened to me and whether the same level of calm can be exhibited.

Your description of this morning's incident, serves as a reminder that in the event of an accident resulting in injury, finger pointing is simply useless.., the injured need more than justification of who's right or wrong - it can be a matter of life and death if help is not rendered quickly enough..

gabey said:
i think it is time we review some of the road safety campaigns that the authorities have been embarking on. For example, the latest one is "Speeding overturn lives". Now, how in the ^%#)*#%_#+_*^#& can speeding overturn lives? Think about it! Let's use Sean's experience as an example. Was the chio bu speeding? NO. Let's take senior doc's example. Was the ass-hole speeding? NO. But, they are even more dangerous than a speedster! I said it once and i will say it again, speeding does not kill, stupidity does. The authorities needs to re-look the whole situation and fix it quickly. Stop harping on the speed element. The big issue is the lousy, boh-chap attitude that is like a virus among the majority of the singaporean drivers. Start telling people to drive with their brains and not just with their hands and feet.

Well...I think the campaign on "speeding kills" is just a generic message to the public to create awareness of such possible fatality when one speeds.
I personally accept that campaign and respect that..

While other things may cause injuries or deaths on motorway, u wont expect the authority to campaign with message like " Stupidity in driving kills" will u? Stupidity is entirely a separate issue. It can be just about anything. In fact, speeding is probably a stupid thing to do.

"Speeding kills" , "Drink-driving kills" they are all just a reminder to motorists, they are generic and perfectly valid campaign messages and not necessarily that they definitely kill..
gabey said:
i think it is time we review some of the road safety campaigns that the authorities have been embarking on. For example, the latest one is "Speeding overturn lives". Now, how in the ^%#)*#%_#+_*^#& can speeding overturn lives? Think about it! Let's use Sean's experience as an example. Was the chio bu speeding? NO. Let's take senior doc's example. Was the ass-hole speeding? NO. But, they are even more dangerous than a speedster! I said it once and i will say it again, speeding does not kill, stupidity does. The authorities needs to re-look the whole situation and fix it quickly. Stop harping on the speed element. The big issue is the lousy, boh-chap attitude that is like a virus among the majority of the singaporean drivers. Start telling people to drive with their brains and not just with their hands and feet.

Well said. But if you remember my 2 letters to ST last month and their pathetic responses it generated, there are many morons out there who cant drive faster than 60kmh cos they are just hopelessly paranoid. I said road behaviour is what TP needs to put in order, not high speed travel. But you see, it takes people with brains to educate people. I rest my case.
Arsony said:
(BTW... if you're the driver of the brown toyota ...the jerk I'm talking about and you're reading this thread.... i suggest you exit and open up your Microsoft Word and look very hard for an "appeal to TP" or "letter of explanation to TP" template....cos you're gonna need it very soon!) Arsony
Topaz BLue NOT a jackass...

this jerk is lucky, coz he is in singapore !!! i can't imagine he did this in m'sia. btw, i think the news paper must be have the photo of fiona xie running around in orchard road with her bikini :laughlik:
gabey said:
i think it is time we review some of the road safety campaigns that the authorities have been embarking on. For example, the latest one is "Speeding overturn lives". Now, how in the ^%#)*#%_#+_*^#& can speeding overturn lives? Think about it! Let's use Sean's experience as an example. Was the chio bu speeding? NO. Let's take senior doc's example. Was the ass-hole speeding? NO. But, they are even more dangerous than a speedster! I said it once and i will say it again, speeding does not kill, stupidity does. The authorities needs to re-look the whole situation and fix it quickly. Stop harping on the speed element. The big issue is the lousy, boh-chap attitude that is like a virus among the majority of the singaporean drivers. Start telling people to drive with their brains and not just with their hands and feet.

I could not agree with you more!!! Have had plenty of bad experiences of this kind myself and am very concerned about the state of Singaporean society when the people can behave like this. Not only that, it is not even frowned upon and discouraged. Guess Singapore still has a long way to go....
actually comparing the 2 somersaulting bikers i've seen, the North South highway one was more scary.

The poor guy was flying about 15 feet in the air in a perfect arc, and when i ran towards him to tend to him i couldnt see his face coz the entire inside of the visor was full of blood.

Against my normal instincts I didnt take the opportunity to chut power on the little girl even though she's very vulnerable at the moment, ahem.... cough cough, coz i was genuinely quite disgusted with her for her recklessness/blurness when driving so i just left her alone. i think this time she will kena jialat jialat.

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