What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??


Well-Known Member
hi, was wondering what are the symptoms of a worn out clutch?? i think my clutch might be worn out
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

When you drive normally everything is normal. No slip.
But when you give it full boot, low rpm, everything is normal, when you enter high rpm, the tacho will just suddenly swing up to red line as if the car was in neutral without the car going anywhere faster.
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

ok for example i have an e46 m3 with smg when i am at a red light and the gear suddenly goes into neutral for no reason is that the clutch??
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

Goes into neutral for no reason? The read out actually reads N?
Don't think it's clutch.
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

pml dont know whats going on....
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

SEI said:
ok for example i have an e46 m3 with smg when i am at a red light and the gear suddenly goes into neutral for no reason is that the clutch??

That is the program, not the clutch. Unless u abuse the clutch by launching it every single time u move off, the clutch should be able to last ard 60k minimum.
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

SEI said:
pml dont know whats going on....

I m totally surprised that PML CSA doesnt know wot is goin on.
Who was the person who advised you?

PM me if u like. I hv seen this type of case quite a few times already locally.
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

What is CSA? (20 char limit)
Re: What are the symptoms of a worn out clutch??

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