• Classifieds Rules

    For Sellers - Item Listing Requirements:
    1. List your price. *
    2. Show/attach images/photos of item. *
    3. Provide clear contact instructions (List phone number, email or PM).


    4. Private Sales Only.
    5. Relevant items only.
    6. No Indirect Advertising / Promoting Of Other Services and Companies
    7. Only members with 20 posts and more can start new threads
    8. No Thread Hijacking. Start your own Topic.
    9. Post only 1 Topic per sale. No cross-posting in other forums. No bumping of Topics more than once a day.
    10. Close your Topic after sale has been completed. (Click 'Administrative' on top of your thread for closing options)

    We will remove threads if they do not list the above requirements.

    For Buyers:
    1. Caveat Emptor - Before buying from user, do your homework. Check out the person's posting history, number of posts etc.
    2. This is a service we provide free and for the members convenience - we're not responsible for any deals gone bad.

    For everyone else:
    1. No OT. They will be deleted. If you continue despite us warning you, we will ban you from the classifieds completely.
    2. Report all suspicious sellers. If you've seen or come across them from other boards/forums - do report them immediately - it will help everyone here a great deal.

    Report all bad experiences (for both sellers/buyers) on the Buyer/Sellers forum.

WARNING! Please Read Before You Post ! - Rules and regulations

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Staff member
Postings which do not follow the guideline below will be removed without notification or prejudice.

1. Private Sales Only

This folder is meant for forum members to buy, trade and exchange parts from each other.
E.g. Mr Tan wishes to sell his BMW tyres / rims /air filter / to Mr Kim. This form of activity IS allowed.

What is NOT ALLOWED is.. "Dear Members! We are having a sale at XXX123 here! Please come and check out our wares..etc"

All commercial entities/marketeers ARE NOT ALLOWED to use this folder to trade their wares / services. If you want to advertise - get our Site sponsor plan. Write in to us at contact - at - bmw-sg.com

2. Relevant Items Only
Items that can be bought, sold or traded here should be of relevant interest to our members.

3. No Indirect Advertising / Promoting Of Other Services / Companies
No indirect advertising is allowed in our forums. If you would like to promote another company or service which is not under our site sponsor plan, the relevant threads and posts will be removed. We do this to protect the interest of our current site sponsors.

If you feel that they're good and would like to share their services, hook us up and we'll arrange for them to be a site sponsor, it works out best that way in a win-win situation whereby both parties benefit.

4. All Prices/Offers Must Be Done In Public ("PM Me For Details" Deals Will Be Removed)
In order to maintain transparency in transactions, all deals must be openly detailed. Prices must be listed.

Threads which get our suspicion such as:

"I have a XXX Widget for sale. PM me for details" - Why? We don't know how many items you're selling.

If you want to sell XXX Widget or part, post in a clear detailed manner, listing down the condition, price and number of items you want to sell.

Title: WTS: XXX Widget For Sale
Thread Content:

I have 1 piece of XXX Widget for sale at $50.00. Please contact me via PM or via number 9555-5555 to transact."

Prefix the topic of the thread with WTB (want to buy), WTS (want to sell) or WTT (want to trade) accordingly.

5. Post pictures of your actual item.
It helps you sell your product better, and gets better qualified buyers.

6. Only Members with 20 posts and more can start new threads
To prevent abuse of our forums from 1-time sellers and non-contributors to our community, only members with 20 posts or more can create new threads. If you don't have enough posts, you can always contribute or take part in on-going discussions in the lounge or casual chat forums.

7. No Thread Hijacking
Hijacking an existing thread (i.e. using someone else's thread) to post your item for sale will get your post removed and the possibilities of your account banned. If you want to sell something, start your own thread.

8. Post only 1 thread per sale. No cross-posting in other forums. No bumping of threads more than once a day.

9. Close Your Thread After The Sale Has Been Completed

10. Report All Rouge Buyers / Sellers!
We take a serious stance and do our best in ensuring transactions go smoothly on this forum. If you feel that you have met a rouge seller or buyer, report them to us immediately at this URL (http://www.bmw-sg.com/forums/sendmessage.php)

Caveat Emptor!

11. If your post has been deleted - contact the moderation team at this email (contact -at- bmw-sg.com).

Posts not in compliance with the rules above will be deleted. All posts deleted will be subjected to our moderation team's discretion.

BMW.SG / Zeta Media Pte Ltd will not and cannot be held responsible for any unsuccessful transactions.
We will not be held responsible for any transactions conducted within the forum and among it's members. BMW>SG provides the Classifieds forum as a service to our members.
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Re: WARNING! Please Read Before You Post ! - Rules and regulations

Rules updated (11th of June).

Please Read Before Posting!
Re: WARNING! Please Read Before You Post ! - Rules and regulations

Classifieds rules updated.

Short form of update:

1 - Relevant items only
2 - Photos required (everyone nowadays have a smart phone).
3 - Prices required. No 'PM me for prices'.

All new threads in the forum will be subject to moderation moving forward and removal if they do not meet the classified guidelines.
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