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Want to buy an E36 Coupe!


You guys must know by now I've been looking out for an E36 Coupe 318is to buy, but I haven't been able to find one to buy yet.

There used to be a white 320 coupe, a silver "833" 318is, a black 318is from Iguakarz, but they've all since been sold. There is an unsold blue 318is from Eurospeed in Marina South, but I'm not keen on it so there aren't any candidates left for me.

Does any one have any leads? Still keen. If you know of anyone who has one and is thinking of selling, please let me know! Or, if you own one, and are thinking maybe you want to sell, sms or call me at 93872710.

Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

see tommorw papers lor
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

i'm no expert...but IMHO patience's the key....

in any case....gd luck on ur car hunt.....
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Yup bro..u must have patience. Like me..been looking since march...i even paid the deposit for the blue 318iS at eurospeed but i cant buy it due to circumstances...but luck was on my side i guess..a fren of mine dont wanna use his 318iS..so he's giving it to me for trial for 2 mths..and if i'm not happy with the car....he ask me to sell it..but if i'm happy..he ask me to carry on instalment....

I can still assist u coz i have one more car in mind. A black 318iS number plate SBZ2169Z,,,..does this car belong to anyone in this forum? Saw it along Orchard Rd..nice stock ride but dont noe abt the engine.....
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

mayb u can try looking in Sg Car Mart their cars r quite cheap..condition i m nt veri sure..but u can test drive 1st..or mayb ask ur mech, tat would b a better idea
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Jen said:
You guys must know by now I've been looking out for an E36 Coupe 318is to buy, but I haven't been able to find one to buy yet.

There used to be a white 320 coupe, a silver "833" 318is, a black 318is from Iguakarz, but they've all since been sold. There is an unsold blue 318is from Eurospeed in Marina South, but I'm not keen on it so there aren't any candidates left for me.

Does any one have any leads? Still keen. If you know of anyone who has one and is thinking of selling, please let me know! Or, if you own one, and are thinking maybe you want to sell, sms or call me at 93872710.

The owner of the 320 coupe is open to selling it - at the right price.

Kosmik, good news for you bro - happy for you! Know you've been looking a while...
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Thankx Nick. So how abt u?..Still looking?..the e 36 325iM selling here guite ex tho...
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

KOSMIK said:
Thankx Nick. So how abt u?..Still looking?..the e 36 325iM selling here guite ex tho...
I never saw the post for that one, although I looked. I must be blind!

PM me the link if u can - a nice punchy six sounds awesome (shame abt the road tax).
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Mockngbrd said:
see tommorw papers lor
Nothin' exciting in the papers today... (unless I missed it). What were you referring to?
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Too bad the 320 is an auto tranny.... it belongs to a car dealer...did approach him when I was looking for a car 2 years back but he refused to sell... The silver 833 is now BLACK!!!...hee.... watch out for that. cheers
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Still looking? I am looking to sell mine. 318CI, red leather seat, grey, 3.75 years old. Well maintained. Lady owner.

Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Er...i think yrs is a E46 the newer model.... BTW, how much are you looking at? I suppose yrs is an auto?

flyandaway said:
Still looking? I am looking to sell mine. 318CI, red leather seat, grey, 3.75 years old. Well maintained. Lady owner.

Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

hmm..y so mani ppl is looking 4 318is? if u have the $$..buy an auto car n changed it 2 manual i tink its a better choice.
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Bro Ah Li its expensive to convert..wait later wanna scrap maybe got problems..
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

Nick said:
I never saw the post for that one, although I looked. I must be blind!

PM me the link if u can - a nice punchy six sounds awesome (shame abt the road tax).

Hey nick u saw the 325 selling in this section.? Nway my fren is selling his 318iS. Would u like to take a look at it?
Re: Want to buy an E36 Coupe!

KOSMIK said:
Hey nick u saw the 325 selling in this section.? Nway my fren is selling his 318iS. Would u like to take a look at it?

Bro, you've got mail...

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