Vanilla at Performance

Gandalf Fett

Active Member
I have just come to realise something in my recent research into the BMW 523i, the 3 series and comparing it around to the Merz (I'm currently driving a C200 but am seriously contemplating the BMW 523i). That the included options in the BMW are much less than those included options on the Merz. Thus, while it may feel like you are getting less "features" in the BMW when you compare it to the Merz, it is only because C&C adds in a little more options into their Merz instead.

Now here comes the kicker.

BMWs are lovely to drive (have driven my uncle's before) and are definitely the driver's car. But when that certain market segment who's looking for alternatives to the Merz, it certainly does not do BMW justice when comparisons are made as to the included options. Which is why the people that I know switch from the Merz to the Lexus instead of the BMW (especially since they are all in the same price range as well).

From my personal point of view, I think that the take-up for the BMWs will be a lot faster and volume will increase if more options were included in the base price that you pay for the car. This will certainly attract a lot more BMW lovers faster.

Just my two cents.
Re: Vanilla at Performance

for me, no options i also will go for BMW. no way i will consider merc or lexus. just pay for the options lor!
Re: Vanilla at Performance

My point exactly.

There is a very loyal following for BMW that is without doubt. I'm just saying that the market share will be substantially increased IF they threw in a little more to give the competitors a run for the money. Know what I mean? Heh heh heh
Re: Vanilla at Performance

i m sure pml knows....but pml is just to ngiow. they want high margins. thats why bmw-asia is slowly coming into the picture. wake up call for pml now..pls squeeze them.
Re: Vanilla at Performance

I'd hope PML get squeezed for better after-sales service too...
Re: Vanilla at Performance

Hi, I totall agree that they cut down a lot of extras. The silly thing is seems that all the car accessories also got marked up as much as the car itself. e.g. iPod interface cable sells for only US$149 excl. labour, PML charges more than SGD500 for the cable excl. labour. Kindda ridiculous ... I'm certain for the same price we paid, we could parallel import a fully souped-up car... :thinking:

Go to, visit the "Virtual Dealer", configure until you siok then covert from Rand back to SGD ( 1R ~ SGD 0.2568 ). :yummie: You'll know what I mean ....


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