Valvetronic Gear Spacing?


Active Member
I was just wondering if this was isolated to my car alone so i decided to post and find out.

When i rev to say 6500rpms on 1st and shift to 2nd, the rev would drop to around 5000rpms and rise all the way again in 2nd.

Then shift to 3rd and it drops again by say an average of 1500rpms.

BUT the shift from 3rd to 4th is.. hmm how to say.. very widely spread.

From 6500rpms when im shifting from 3rd - 4th, the rev will drop to around 4000 - 4500rpms.

Is this normal for other valvetronics?

My gf's E46 320i 2.2l doesnt do this.

It makes it hard for me cause when approaching a bend after a long straight at the track, i want to get into 3rd but the steptronic wont shift because the rev will jump too high from 4th to 3rd..

And likewise when dragging, 1st,2nd and 3rd is fine for me but when i enter 4th, finish liao.
So annoying..

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