Re: "To me"
I'm afraid personalisation of the forum is only limited to viewing threads that you have posted in. Phpbb doesnt' allow some of the delphi functions to work due to it's programming nature. I agree, the 'to me' function is very useful.
Well, reason why im not putting a 're-launch' thread is because i feel it's good to let this forum run a little while in the meantime, and let them slowly come over and try out. Trying to be truthful here, i see delphiforums being there for some time....but ill just let this forum be here to let non-paying delphi members post up and upload stuff.
no need to force anyone to come over.. heh.
cheers bro.
I'm afraid personalisation of the forum is only limited to viewing threads that you have posted in. Phpbb doesnt' allow some of the delphi functions to work due to it's programming nature. I agree, the 'to me' function is very useful.
Well, reason why im not putting a 're-launch' thread is because i feel it's good to let this forum run a little while in the meantime, and let them slowly come over and try out. Trying to be truthful here, i see delphiforums being there for some time....but ill just let this forum be here to let non-paying delphi members post up and upload stuff.
no need to force anyone to come over.. heh.
cheers bro.
Pek said:Ryan,
Sorry first I don;t know much about computer and programing, but got one suggestion here don't know can work.
1. At delphi, when I log on, I see how many "to me" messages. Then I can straight away see the messages for me first then read others when I free. Somemore, at delphi, I can see a particular message is for me, rather than keep on posting on and on. (unless got "quote")
As I said, I know nothing about programing, forgive me if this cannot work for phpBB. :laughlik:
Plus: Don't you want to re-post a link to old delphi forum to pull some members over? Last time, you post "re-launch" I nearly didn't see since it is not an obvious topic for a new opening for our forum.