Suggestions for bazaar folder


Staff member
Hmm i think it's possible. However, someone gotta keep updating the 1st post list as people keep adding and taking things out.


The list will continually grow and grow..and grow...maybe not that much lah, but may span a few pages next time. So that may be of another issue...but..

Worth a try! great idea.
hmmm, good point. either that, or can we have a webpage dedicated to that, and use the sticky thread only to alert edits, additions and removals on that webpage. just a thought.
Sorry side track a bit...Hi have a M3 steering for sale ? Does it comes with airbag or without ? I am looking for a smaller wheel for my E34. :thumbsup:
so what you guys think of this idea? Sort of an online store for 2nd parts of BMWSG members.

ok for the m3 steering, yes i will have one up for sale as soon as my new one arrives. it'll not come with airbag nor wire harness (the former can be bought at PML, the latter + installation labour can be done at Sin Wee Chuan for $150).

it'll fit all e46, e39m54, maybe z3, but boh pao fit e34 hor.
I think its a good idea about the used part bazzar. Member who has changed or upgraded or change car can sell their unused items....benefit for both parties...both seller and buyer. Why not.

Another suggestion to prevent abuse and seller kenna sabo...let's include a rating system on creditability like Ebay. If someone who graps everything on site but never buy anything in the end, should be blacklisted.

BTW...your M3 steering...I do not need airbags (cos my car also no airbag)...I just want a smaller wheel nia. Let me know when your new wheel comes...can I just take a look see if can fit my car before i commit ?
sure we'll discuss more about this when i open a thread when my new wheel comes in. :)

but i dont think it'll work out for your e34. let's see how the compatibility thing goes.

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