Side Mirrors always out of position.


Hi all,

I just bought an 08' 523i last week. Currently me and my wife are driving. I set memory 1 to myself and memory 2 to my wife. After my wife drove and I took over, I press memory 1 but the side mirrors most of the time out of position and not to preset position. Sometimes when we do reserve parking, left side mirror would go down and sometimes didn't. Need seniors and experts here to give advice how to solve this problem. Hate to adjust mirror everything we drive.

Thanks in advance!
Re: Side Mirrors always out of position.

My spouse & I each have our separate keys for the cars that we share. This way, the seat
position will reconfigure itself to your personal seat setting.

As for the folding left side mirror.....switch the button to the left when you are done adjusting the mirrors. This way, the left side mirror won't rotate downwards when u reverse.
Re: Side Mirrors always out of position.

I've the same damn problem too and it's always on my left mirror as well!! All along I thought it was my M5 wing mirror which I bought second hand. Almost everyday I had to adjust it... Irritating! :(
I wonder if it needs lunbrication....
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