louis said:
if only u'd joined the forum earlier..... i read the pdf file on one.motoring but it seemed really daunting to import one on my own.
just curious though, does this mean u need to homologate the car yourself if its the first of its kind in singapore?
also, as a self importer, are u still allowed to play in the BMW golf tournament??
Yes , If and ONLY If the model you are looking at has never been brought into SG before . Once the model has been approved by LTA , (let PML do some legwork for you..

it is quite straightforward .
You need to have it registered in EU , and then deregistered within a week for the car to be shipped over.
The mere act of successful EU registration means that your intended car meets all pollution , safety etc speciification.
IMHO, I do not suggest attempting to bring in too 'exotic' cars for 2 reasons :
i) As you pointed out ; one has to homologate the whole process if the car has never set foot in SG before - very tedious process.
ii) Later - when you wish to sell the car in the local market - very difficult .
The one motoring pdf file ? Yes, initially , I found it daunting too. But really , like everything else in life , the 1st step was always the most diffiicult . I was challenged to succeed ; If so many car dealers could successfully parallel import cars for resale , I saw little reason why as an individual, I coulld not succeed given the incredible amount of info available on the net .
The 1st car I successfully brought in saved me only S$20000 compared to PML's price . The next car (a 328 coupe ) saved me a whopping $41000 and even so , with higher specs.
I drove the 328 for 2.5 years and sold it for a nett loss of only $1500 . Needless to say , I was very motivated !
BMW Golf tournament ? Not eligible , since the car is only on PML servicing records , not the sales dept . Besides , NOT every PML purchased car owner is eligible anyway ..
Eh...with the amount of $$ saved , I guess one could easily pop over to Blue Canyon for an EXTENDED game ..LOL