Safe to drive to Malaysia?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I've lived in Singapore for a few years now, and have always wanted to drive to Malaysia for a weekend trip. However, I've heard so many bad stories about car being stolen / grabbed / hi-jacked.. etc in Malaysia.

Is it really that bad? Especially BMWs? My car is the X3, and would really like to take it for a good long drive and have a long-weekend-holiday in Malaysia. Is it going to be very risky?

The places I've been thinking about is the Cameron Highland, Malacca or even KL. Anyone has any advise or other suggestion?

Thanks in advance.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Hear that SUVs are one of the more sought after cars. I'll be very careful in driving the car up there if I were you. But then again some people may say I'm just being paranoid.

My two cents.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Hmm, X3...... Last heard is that SUVs and MPVs are well sought after in West Malaysia. There will be no means to verify those sensational stories of blatant theft, but it pays to err on the safe side. Afterall, Malaysia runs on a vastly different system, right down to the law enforcement agencies. Something to think about when you need their assistance. Cheers.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

kenntona said:
Hmm, X3...... Last heard is that SUVs and MPVs are well sought after in West Malaysia. There will be no means to verify those sensational stories of blatant theft, but it pays to err on the safe side. Afterall, Malaysia runs on a vastly different system, right down to the law enforcement agencies. Something to think about when you need their assistance. Cheers.
The Malaysian law enforcement system is very enterprenuerial.. and have you seen my new hair-do? I was told chicks dig the communist style nowadays..end of OT
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

malaysian loves SUV.... b extra careful wen u travel there
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Drive = worries about car thieves
Fly = will it crash?
Stay at home = terrorist attack?

How to worry so much? If you feel like it, just do it! Just take some precautions

I'm driving to KL on Wednesday, anybody "bo kia si", wants to join me?
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

me going shopping in Carrefour Wed afternoon... maybe to Sepang month end. Hope nothing will happen to me old ride..
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Sedan shldn't be a problem, but X3 a bit too risky they got special interest wif SUV.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

IMO, I have driven up many times in a Passat and 320 but always above Malacca. The main things that i look out for are the hotels that i stay in. Look for reputable hotels as they are less likely to have open air carparks and they would have certain "understanding" with the locals

Why? Open air carparks will enable the larger tow trucks to enter to lift your entire vehicle on its tray. That way, they do not need to disarm your car and make the theft quicker. Also in a covered carpark, park with your drive wheels away from the access road to reduce the possibility of those small tow trucks from lifting 1 end and dragging your car out. The only way to do it is to jack up your drive wheels and place them on dollies which will take time....which is something they have very little of.

Also never try and save a few ringgit when you park for meals. Pay the local "attendant" cos you need to be in his good books. Also dun wash and polish your car just before going. Eye candy attracts that much more attention. Leave the detailing to an after road trip task. That way the shop has to work hard to remove the 200km/h fly swatter debris on headlamps, number plate and bumper... hah hah.. hope spa for cars not reading.... hee hee.

Driving up should not be too much of an issue. Just my opinion only....Dun hold me responsible hor.....

Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

for me, i try and keep it safe. drive up in the daytime. i dont leave car unattended even at the rest stops. when in KL, head straight to hotel. as someone said, make sure its a reputable one. i find a nice brighly lit parking spot, preferably close to lifts or guard office and park facing in (car is FWD) so towing is less likely. also, can turn the wheel full lock and lock the steering wheel. that way canot be unlocked without a key.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestion.

So is it just the matter of looking after car and park smart? What about being "hijack-ed"? Will it get so bad that that someone will come up and point a knife or gun at you to GRAB you car away?
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

ex3 said:
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestion.

So is it just the matter of looking after car and park smart? What about being "hijack-ed"? Will it get so bad that that someone will come up and point a knife or gun at you to GRAB you car away?

There is always this possibility if you drive a nice car like an X3 or something else up Malaysia lah.

IMO, sometimes things like these (ie. Hijack) are destined to happen to some people regardless of car type.......

We have a long time member (Prodigy Devil) who will always tell you that it is safe to drive to Malaysia, just don't do "stupid" things to attract undue attention in areas where you will be targetted especially in city areas.....

Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

btw, one other thing i forgot to mention. when i do drive to KL, once i get to hotel, the car is left there until i drive back to Singapore. taxis are cheap and plentiful enough in KL and i dont have to worry about the crazy drivers there.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

TobyNik said:
IMO, sometimes things like these (ie. Hijack) are destined to happen to some people regardless of car type.......

I think in the same way as well!

And one of the reasons I get paranoid about this sort of things recently is because about a month after my friend got his car, it was broken into at the SENTOSA - a "holiday resort", under the sun light, in one of the saftest countries in the world?!

mistraele / yendor, any hotel can you recommend?
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

go tape up your doors and panels in black vinyl..look like accident car liddat, den dirty dirty... tape up ur BMW badges...hehehe.. *kidding*
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

yendor said:
IMO, I have driven up many times in a Passat and 320 but always above Malacca. The main things that i look out for are the hotels that i stay in. Look for reputable hotels as they are less likely to have open air carparks and they would have certain "understanding" with the locals.......

Thankz Yendor.. great advices and reminders... much appreciated. Sometime I do overlook and take things for granted....
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

No worries...

Try the hilton or something along these lines in KL or CityTel if you need to be near PJ...

Big brand names should be safer "i think??"

Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

Bro bro bro why are you so scared to drive in Malaysia because every countries have their criminals. Hee hee actually SUV's are hot stolen items in Malaysia, I agree. You have to be very careful when you park your car especially if you are in KL. Another thing is DO NOT ROAD HOG on the Malaysian highways because not many of them follow the speed limits there. You will diss of ppl if you do that. Get a good alarm system which will let you know like pager if your car is violated or something. Another thing is, maybe you can get some advice from fellow members from the BMW club in Malaysia. We have members all around Malaysia. . Hope that you will enjoy your vacation.
Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

ex3 said:
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestion.

So is it just the matter of looking after car and park smart? What about being "hijack-ed"? Will it get so bad that that someone will come up and point a knife or gun at you to GRAB you car away?

If you are worried about this then please set some priorities straight. The car is a 1.5ton hunk of metal that is equipped with an engine to move it around. Keep your doors locked at all times especially when driving alone and when caught at traffic jams. On the expressway, dun stop to help "breakdown" cars. If they try and run you off the road, use your car and ram them instead.

Think of it this way, if they run you off the road, your car gets damaged anyway. If they ram you, your car gets damaged too. So might as well use your car to ram them back. They are aiming to get your car in whatever condition. If they manage to get your car, th insurance claim will take upwards of 6mths to 2 yrs. So its your call.

Make the metal protect you. The law of Physics, stipulate that the total energy that you can transfer is proportional to your speed as well as your mass. As BMs usually come with larger engines and weigh considerably more than a Proton (choice car of these kind of crooks), Physics will take the bugger out and you should be able to continue on back to SGP. IMO heck the m'sia police report, go to your nearest NPP and then go repair your car.

I am not advocating that you suka suka go play bumper cars with the crooks. Remember that when you are travelling >100km/h your tail becomes very light and any tap at the rear quarter of the car can result in a spin. Your best bet is to either out run the bugger or get to >140km/h and jam your brakes had when he is very close to you. That will take out his radiator and/or engine. Your rear can easily be replaced.

Sorry to sound very morbid but remember, the car serves you, it should protect you.

Re: Safe to drive to Malaysia?

makes me think of last time a proton tried to run a Toyota Landcruiser off the road... not very smart.... in the end one of the robbers died when the Landcruiser ram them back and whack them off the road

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