rotors and brake pads


Well-Known Member
My rotor and pad wearing out soon.

Several questions I need to ask:

1)Any recommendations on rotor and pad? Preference - good grip, less dust, durable, no squeking noise
2) What are the cost and where to get?
3) What is typically the lifespan of rotor? Mechanic claimed that rotor for continental cars wear out very fast. Why is this so as I have previous driven Jap cars and rotors have never worn out before.

1. Good grip...stock pads, TarOx, Axxis, no squeaking
Stock pad dust is terrible thou. If low dust, A-Gritz is the brand but bite isn't as good as those 3 above.

Rotors,...what's wrong with stock rotors? Else u can go for DBA, Zimmerman or Brembo discs. Get slotted ones if u aint buying stock rotors again

2. Cost varies....
Pads for the whole 4 wheels shud be from 150bux onwards I would imagine
Rotors should probably be at least 1k for all around

Where to get em?
Zimmerman n DBA u can get from BVO (may not hv stock tho)
Brembo, I saw Fongkim carries em (again may not have stock)
Also good to buy that Hot Stuff mag and check those shops who probably carry some rotors n pads for bimmer

3. Lifespan
Should be pretty long...Depends on driving style, how u maintain it among other factors.
When brake is very hot after long day driving like start stop start stop, dont wash ur car. Dont pull the hand brake.
Normal driving shouldnt easily warp ur disc so should easily last more than 50000 kms

Conti cars like bmw, merc, jag, audi, opel are all heavier makes in general so brake force applied to stop the cars is probably higher hence rotors cud wear out faster... :screwedu:
what bout Tarox and they produce lotsa brake dust as the stock ones?

Both Tarox n Axxis hv much less dust compared to stock. I personally think both brands are superior to stock pads in terms of performance and dust level. Price wise however, Tarox is quite on the high side whereas Axxis is pretty cheap and it is likely that you need to order the latter online.
Thanks for the info :thumbsup:
What choice do I have if I had to buy brake pads locally?
Re: rotors and brake pads

galant1688 said:
My rotor and pad wearing out soon.

Several questions I need to ask:

1)Any recommendations on rotor and pad? Preference - good grip, less dust, durable, no squeking noise
2) What are the cost and where to get?
3) What is typically the lifespan of rotor? Mechanic claimed that rotor for continental cars wear out very fast. Why is this so as I have previous driven Jap cars and rotors have never worn out before.

HI !

Have you change your Brake Pad ?

I plan to change to A'Gritz pads for front brake. Any idea how much it cost ?

I would like to monitor the grip, brake dust and any squeking sound before I change the back brake pad too :)

Lastly, may I know will A'Gritz pads worn-out the original rotors ?

My car is still under warranty but really cannot stand the Stock Brake Pad Dust :(

Thanks in advance :)
i decided to go for stock pad and zimmermann cross slotted rotors. Agritz seems not good in brake performance.

No choice... life is more important. Stick to stock pad. Get Blangadeshi to wash the rim loh!!

what abt Axxis and Tarox brands mentioned by TripleM? what made u decide to go for stock pads over these?
where to get Axxis and Tarox? Any local agents? Heard M Power in Ubi Crescent got Tarox.. true anot??

If not, buy online, too costly for Shipping and Handling already. later wrong part, then lan lan....

Any comments?
never get the zimmermann and EBC green combo.....they suck!

every 1000km....the rotors i stop bothering to get them machined.
Daniel, the problems with the EBC green stuff is that they can really generate a lot of heat and with auto cars, you keep your foot on the brakes all the time when you stop.

I personally have used EBC and with zimmermann discs and after a hard stop, i will put the car in neutral while waiting for the lights. The pads grip fantastically but there is some rotor wear. That I must voice out. Thereafter, i changed to EBC discs and the wear was more or less controlled as the discs were grooved and dimpled which cleaned the pads hence lasted about 3 sets of pads before they got too thin.

TripleM said:
When brake is very hot after long day driving like start stop start stop, dont wash ur car. Dont pull the hand brake.

Bro TripleM, why dun pull the hand brake after a long day ? will melt the brake pads ?
Can anyone tell me if it is normal to change rotors about every 50000km? My car is about 60000km now, I'm still on the first set of rotors and I was told to change all 4 rotors and pads... :|

teckheng said:
TripleM said:
When brake is very hot after long day driving like start stop start stop, dont wash ur car. Dont pull the hand brake.

Bro TripleM, why dun pull the hand brake after a long day ? will melt the brake pads ?

Cause you will wrap the rotors.
Guys, I think we are drifting a little here. The hand brake goes to the rear of the car and activates a little drum brake within the discs. After a very hard drive (or tracking session), Chances are your front brakes are the hotter ones. (if your brake bias is correct) Therefore application of the hand brake will not warp the rear discs. But if you continue to apply the foot brake, the discs will continue to be pressurised by the hot pads.

The part the kills our discs is the fact that the calliper does not float totally (100%) and the pressures faced by the discs is not exactly equal on both sides of the disc and thus there is a slight "push" on the disc outwards. 4 piston callipers are better in this respect as the hydraulic fluid balances the forces swee swee.

i believe only hard driving at the track will be cause for rotor damage if you use handbrake. if the rotor is hot enough, your drum brakes will start to smoke and burn. but i've never seen anyone drive until so chao1 ji2 hiong on the street that they start burning pads and drums.
Just changed from Stock rotors and pads to Zimmermans and Bendix yesterday....
Not fully bedded in but so far so good... improved brake feel (mebbe due to new brake fluid) and distances.....
altreality said:
Just changed from Stock rotors and pads to Zimmermans and Bendix yesterday....
Not fully bedded in but so far so good... improved brake feel (mebbe due to new brake fluid) and distances.....
care to share the price u paid?