Replica M3 Mirrors for facelifted 3 series


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years

Is yours coupe/cab?

If it is, then it is quite true that the original M3 mirrors will not fit the facelifted coupe/cabs, in particular those manufactured post sept 2003 ones. (i.e. facelifted coupe/cabs prior to that will have no such problem)

I am not sure if anyone can rectify it and allow the original M3 mirrors to be attached, but I couldnt find any. So went for the replica ones, in which fitting is not an issue.

I think PML attempted to test fit, but even the original M3 CSL mirrors cant work. Not sure if they will eventually produce original mirrors that can fit the facelifted coupe/cabs.

SMYUEN said:

Is yours coupe/cab?

If it is, then it is quite true that the original M3 mirrors will not fit the facelifted coupe/cabs, in particular those manufactured post sept 2003 ones. (i.e. facelifted coupe/cabs prior to that will have no such problem)

I am not sure if anyone can rectify it and allow the original M3 mirrors to be attached, but I couldnt find any. So went for the replica ones, in which fitting is not an issue.

I think PML attempted to test fit, but even the original M3 CSL mirrors cant work. Not sure if they will eventually produce original mirrors that can fit the facelifted coupe/cabs.


Huh?? Original M3 mirrors can't fit coupe or cab??? So far I brought in 3 sets for 2 cab & 1 coupe all FL models & they fit siu siu & fold siu siu w/o any problem leh................. :screwedu:

kekekekeke :laughlik:

'The Great White'
Hi Alvin here. My is a 2003 year end cab.Right nw is wif a M3 mirror(which i bought from benzline) Fitting no problem,only once in a blue moon 1 side of the mirror cant be fold or open. But i think is due to the gear problem inside.
Hey thanks alot guys for all the kind advice and help given. I am actually looking for replicas, I got quoted by PML $1800 for the CSL mirrors.... Kinda pricey for a pair of mirrors. Can I get and fit the replica mirrors from any of the guys here?

Oh yea mine is the coupe.

By the way, are there any workshops that bring in the Mutec kits? I'm totally a 'sotong' when it comes to BMW... Zero knowledge if bodykits vary due to facelift or non facelift models.... Sorry if I'm asking too much :oops: :oops: :oops:
rex7_vtec said:
Hey thanks alot guys for all the kind advice and help given. I am actually looking for replicas, I got quoted by PML $1800 for the CSL mirrors.... Kinda pricey for a pair of mirrors. Can I get and fit the replica mirrors from any of the guys here?

Oh yea mine is the coupe.

By the way, are there any workshops that bring in the Mutec kits? I'm totally a 'sotong' when it comes to BMW... Zero knowledge if bodykits vary due to facelift or non facelift models.... Sorry if I'm asking too much :oops: :oops: :oops:

I never heard of Mutec bodykit for BMWs. Bro, do you mean M-Tech bodykit like this one?


If so, yes, even though they look similar on a coupe and sedan, the M-Tech bodykits are actually different. When you order the M-Tech bodykit, you must specify whether it is for a coupe, sedan (facelifted) or sedan (pre-facelift). The prices are different too.

Apart from PML, you can get the M-Tech bodykit from places like Frankfurt Auto and Eng Soon.

Don't worry about the "sotong" bit when it comes to BMW stuff. Before I join this forum, I was even more "sotong". But look at me now... :)
sybron said:
I was even more "sotong". But look at me now...
Bro, you talking about looks or...

haha, j/k ok!

Anyway, there ARE Mutec kits around. Just that i don't really think there are (if not, none) in Singapore ATM.


Lousy pic, but best i could find :\
from what i can's an add-on bumper a.k.a macham like hamann stuff.

Check out this site, they're selling it some stuff including rims. (bodykits) (rims)

Oh yah, Mutec is famous for doing the stretch limo for the 7 series. I posted this way back last year...



there's lots of Mutec ads in the brit BMW magazines. you can see clearer pics there and if there's no local dealer, the other way is to go straight to the UK dealer and order from him.
i think you can approach mike of sin wee chuan painting (details in this homepage), amongst others who also do them. i did mine with mike. he, and the other vendors/workshops, should know in detail what's the difference for fitment of various yom batches of e46.

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