Queries on 318/320


Well-Known Member
Hi pyloh

Are you referring to the pre FL 318iA with a 1.9l motor or the 2.0l Valvetronic one?

My previous ride was a pre FL one, maintenance was reasonable as the service intervals are pretty long in between, managed on average 20,000 to 23,000 km between service. As for major works, there are actually quite a number of competent workshops out there [please check forum resource pages] who are able to do what PML does and maybe even a bit more in terms of attention. Did close to 120,000km on my last ride before finally changing it, think I have detailed maintenance expenses lying around somewhere and if memory doesn't fail me, I didn't spend more than S$5k for general upkeep and maintenance (minus upgrades and mods).

Having said all that, the 318iA, notwithstanding being a modest sub 2l car, was and probably still is one of the smoothest rev-ing 4 potters you'd be able to lay your hands on. Performance-wsie, can't really complain when zipping around Singapore's road but when pushed, admitedly, it does lack some oomph. The valvetronic with 143 horses should fair alot better.

A 320i (assume that it's the 2.2l you're contemplating) packs a whopping 170 horses and should bring a smile to most faces, coupled with the creamy smooth 6 pot and a earthly growl, it's really something worth considering. Also, buying a pre-owned means giving the heafty depreciation charge a miss but please do exercise extra care when evaluating your buy and never rush into it, take your time and make your hard earned dollars and cents count.

cheers and happy car hunting

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