Open letter to PML - Is this a hush hush topic here?


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it has in fact been discussed in several threads back in our delphi forum. you are welcome to discuss anything at all in this forum. The only hush hush topic that is taboo in this forum is how come the bloody Evo MR owners here dont want to go sepang.

in delphi, we have deleted a few posts/threads from the whistle-blower himself, the open letter itself. coz that constitutes personal attacks, which are always removed regardless of who they come from.

so other than this latest piece of news, this is an old topic already.
Racebred - Thanks for the explanation.

Yes - I do recall the delphi postings.. I guess this is an update.
Digressing abit - what do you think the impact of BMW coming in would have... say on BMW car prices, aftersales servicing packages, etc etc?

Would a price war commence?

Just thinking aloud :)
i guess competition is always good, but BMW will still have to take time to set up their operations, learn about the local customers' idiosyncracies, generate a proper customer base system, etc.

they might also be expected to be firmer in their pricing, no bargaining, no throwing in of freebies, or not be so in-tune with the wants of singaporeans, like maybe pushing the compact sales or 760, for eg.

or, they may be the perfect answer to the shortcomings of pml. cant say for sure now. previous authorised agents may even be rehired.

there can even be a more direct channel to bmwsg, with options to make this forum recognised and supported by bmw, like in other countries.

if alpina is brought in, there could even be lta-approved heavy mods options available for customers just like in other countries.

there'll also be a more direct link with the parts distributer in malaysia so i dont have to wait 2 months for my bloody m3 steering wheel to travel 300km down to pml...and i am still waiting.

i dont think there'll be a price war. prices may come down a little to the accommodable level, then stay there. they may instead engage in aftersales one-up on each other.

just thinking aloud on the possibilities should there be 2 dealers here......which is very unlikely. since in singapore market, any of such actions will definitely result in sales cannabilisation only.
If they can get lta approval for Alpina, ACS, Hamann and the rest of the tuners then I say go for it! more choices are always better.
I think the local market for third party tuners is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too small for them to realise any form of profit over the long run.

Given singapore's mod-unfriendly laws, alot of these potential "richies" wouldn't think twice about using an alpina engine. They would rather buy a porsche or something higher level, unless they are truely hardcore brand enthusiasts.

my 2 cents.
Just thinking out loud.............could all these corruption in PML be one of the cause of their poor after-sales service?

already there is a company that brings in all your hartge, hamann, fettled cars. but they are selling at 911 price for a complete car, so i havent seen any buyers yet.

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