Offset questions again, E46 owners or coupe owners pls check in.


Well-Known Member
I did some research, and so far came up with the best statement so far from a senior forummer:

Ya agree with Jack, stay away from 32mm offset.

Whether or not there will be rub is not due to the size of the rim but rather, the offset.

E46 original offset is 47mm. By going to 32mm, u r effectively widening the car's stance by a 30mm, which is a lot.

Lately, for the fun of it, i put on a 10mm spacer for my 41mm offset rims, which make it to 31mm and on the way up to Sepang, the car rub when i go over elevation, not even hump on the NS highway even though the rear was set to 2 degree camber.

IMO, the E46 max offset should be around 35mm.

Currently, my E46 coupe is running on 225/40/18 on 18" Type 135 wheels, offset 47. The car in a way looks odd coz I feel that the wheels are so sunken in. From the above, does this mean that the MAX spacer I can fit is 15mm, to reduce 47 to 32? Or maybe only 10mm to get 37mm offset? That's not gonna do a lot for aethetics issit... I realize that many OEM offsets are all 47 - all so crappily sunken in one meh?

Final question is: Since mine is a coupe, fenders front/rear are all different from the sedan, and also the flared M3s. So does that mean that I don't necessarily have to stick to the 35mm rule above, and may be able to be a bit more aggressive?

If I have 18" 47 offset on a E46 coupe, what is the most aggressive spacer I can fit without rubbing? I don't mind rolling fenders, but I will not wanna do funny trackcar cambers or alignment just for this.