Active Member
Greetings to all.... in response to the Email I had earlier from this Warm Committee, I've decided to pop by and say a 'Hi'.........
Previously from Singapore Galant Club...
Currently based in Mark X Owners Club..
Active in most Delphi Based Car Clubs..
The only friend that I know that may be part of your warm committee is CLub Mate from Singapore Galant Club - Justin (Red M3, changed to GT)
I dunno what else I need to elaborate. Eh.... I am a Food Lover... Crazy Fellow.... Sometimes a Clown....
SafetyCar aka Guan
Previously from Singapore Galant Club...
Currently based in Mark X Owners Club..
Active in most Delphi Based Car Clubs..
The only friend that I know that may be part of your warm committee is CLub Mate from Singapore Galant Club - Justin (Red M3, changed to GT)
I dunno what else I need to elaborate. Eh.... I am a Food Lover... Crazy Fellow.... Sometimes a Clown....
SafetyCar aka Guan