NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

They must have assessed that the tissue sellers are making way more than the $120.......

Money talks ....bull shit walks. It is not the amount but the principle - the gahmen has to collect from everyone .....

Remember the adage - only 3 things are permanent in life - death, taxes and death & taxes.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Tissue sellers do not earn fixed income.
Most peddlers i've seen are old people who go round begging people to buy tissues and they cant take up jobs due to their health problems.

Well... 120 bucks seem quite an amount for them
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Some people just want to squeeze more $$$ from people to pay for the exorbitant high salary of certain group.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Nothing new from gahmen. 3 packs a dollar, they need to sell 360 packs to cover.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Registration for licence, next stop... income taxes. Why... its elementary...
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

This is sick,
On one hand, they wayang in front media that they are helping the needies. On the other, they slap them hard.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

So poor thing already still kena 'slap' hard by the gahmen until like that..
Not saying that the tissue sellers shouldnt be paying this license fee but perhaps something else can be done instead of imposing taxes all day
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Is the garmen trying to fund the pioneer package payouts?

I heard collecting cardboards will soon need license also because its considered a business.

Here's my beng Easter message to our garmen "^^$#*@%^(*^# Fuark Yew %^$*#%#
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

If not like that how to buy brompton bicycle.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Our garment short of money? Dont tell me there's a big pit less hole in GIC and CPF board ? I don't believe ! We are lumber 1!
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

What is a viable solution? Charge $12 a year?
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

We should allow monks and nuns to ask for donations at hawker centres and food-courts and maybe restaurants. They aren't hurting anybody
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Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

I think the tax on tissues peddlers is to prevent them from doing it altogether so it won't spoil the image of the ever flourishing Singapore. This may attract more rich foreign investors. Soon they will tax the physically handicapped street performers too, or even beggars. Wait, we don't have beggars on the island.
Re: NEA - tissue seller need to pay $120 license fee...

MW said:
We should allow monks and nuns to ask for donations at hawker centres and food-courts and maybe restaurants. They aren't hurting anybody

I have heard arguments on regulating flag sellers.

I have heard complaints on fake beggars and monks soliciting donations.

I have long heard complaints against touting in Newton Hawker Centre and Sim Lim Square.

Perhaps all should be regulated.

Wait, I thought they are already regulated ?