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Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years

Anyone knows of anyone else who is keen on letting go a Z4 2.5L pls let me know!


Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

doc, new model coming out this year leh...
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

too ex leh... kekekeke
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

wah lau SM, why didnt u juz take over Tanzy's ride? Then choice of 2 track cars. One track day Evo 9, next track day Z4 2.5+.
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

louis said:
wait a while bah, everyone's saying the ARF will be reduced. zy sold his to a dealer right? look out in the classifieds?

in the meantime, there's a 3.0 SMG if you want:


cheers and welcome to the family(soon)

p.s. OT a bit which dept are you at now? still A&E? are you taking on M3 students for electives? kekeke

yup will look around... yup still in A&E. me not qualified to take elective students lah.. just give some pointers here and there. look for the black taggers!
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

T6 said:
wah lau SM, why didnt u juz take over Tanzy's ride? Then choice of 2 track cars. One track day Evo 9, next track day Z4 2.5+.

errrrhhh. tanzy ride too new lah, too ex also.. and i dun think i want blue z4.
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

nexus said:
You are getting a Z4 meh??

its just a short term target.. thats if I find the rite one... hehe
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

SMYUEN said:
yup will look around... yup still in A&E. me not qualified to take elective students lah.. just give some pointers here and there. look for the black taggers!

Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5


He hopes to zip around in a Z4 one day. That humble MO drives a prudent Mitsubishi Lancer only.

Doc Yuen,

Not a lot of Z4 in the market to allow you to choose colour. Get one with nice engine and interior then respray to the exact colour you want. It will be unique.
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

fastcar said:
Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL

I think he's looking for one,
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

fastcar said:
Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL

you registered just to say that?
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

fastcar said:
Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL

Next generation..hahahaha...so AE consultants : Camrys as Tua Towkays : S-class / 7 series.
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

fastcar said:
Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL

hahaha. hi there. nice of you to drop in.. not sure about you, but I used to drive an s-class as a medical student. then i drove a 320 coupe as a houseman. then i drove a 325 cabrio as a junior MO. now that I am a bit more senior, I have downgraded to a mitusbishi lancer 2.0 litre strangely called evolution..

but since i miss BMW, so me gonna buy a 2nd hand z4. like I always say, poor people like me can only afford canvas roofs, and 2nd hand too.. sigh....
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

SMYUEN said:
poor people like me

:lol2: huh??? you poor???
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

martmode8850 said:
:lol2: huh??? you poor???

hehehe... just to drive home the point i am not exactly rich.. if not wouldnt be looking for a 2 YEAR OLD Z4 mah... just in case people always think all docs are loaded... kekekeke
Re: Looking for 2yr old Z4 2.5

Mockngbrd said:
i dun think that's what the newspapers had in mind when they used the term "The New Poor"

Hmmm.. whats the new poor?

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