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louis said:wait a while bah, everyone's saying the ARF will be reduced. zy sold his to a dealer right? look out in the classifieds?
in the meantime, there's a 3.0 SMG if you want:
cheers and welcome to the family(soon)
p.s. OT a bit which dept are you at now? still A&E? are you taking on M3 students for electives? kekeke
T6 said:wah lau SM, why didnt u juz take over Tanzy's ride? Then choice of 2 track cars. One track day Evo 9, next track day Z4 2.5+.
nexus said:You are getting a Z4 meh??
SMYUEN said:yup will look around... yup still in A&E. me not qualified to take elective students lah.. just give some pointers here and there. look for the black taggers!
fastcar said:Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
Honestly speaking, I don't see anything wrong with that.fastcar said:Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
fastcar said:Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
fastcar said:Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
fastcar said:Pls excuse me for barging in ...nowdays AE MOs zip ard in Z4s??? Hmm...just not so long ago when i was still in service, AE consultants driving camrys were considered $$$ LOL
SMYUEN said:poor people like me
martmode8850 said:huh??? you poor???
Mockngbrd said:haha..
i dun think that's what the newspapers had in mind when they used the term "The New Poor"