K&N 63 CAI


Well-Known Member
Hello there.

Does anyone knows where i can purchase/install a K&N 63 CAI for my car? Also, what would the CAI probably cost?

Many thanks in advance. :)
Re: K&N 63 CAI

darthm3 said:
Hello there.

Does anyone knows where i can purchase/install a K&N 63 CAI for my car? Also, what would the CAI probably cost?

Many thanks in advance. :)

U can order them online
I got mine ( the Typhoon 69) thru Rob at www.vividracing.com for USD 250bux before shipping n tax

The 63 has got some stalling issues (tho claimed to be producing more hp n torque) for some so dunno how's the final outcome. The 69 doesnt have problem at all...
I m thinking of parting mine actually...U wanna try?
Re: K&N 63 CAI

darthm3 said:
Hello there.

Does anyone knows where i can purchase/install a K&N 63 CAI for my car? Also, what would the CAI probably cost?

Many thanks in advance. :)

A friend of mine just installed that 63 last week...
Got it from the US for USD 290 bucks ex shippin n tax vs USD 250 the Typhoon69

U can go to www.vividracing.com to order

Cheers bro
Re: K&N 63 CAI

Hi. Looking to part with my K&N 63 CAI. I've used it for less than 50km and still have all the original packaging. The unit looks new.

I didn't have stalling isues but returned to the OEM air intake because it's alot quieter and don't have time to tweak the A/F to suit the K&N 63.

Let me know if you're interested.

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