July Meetup 2004

Was surprise :shock: when I saw the title year is 2004. :) Thought Must wait so long... :laughlik:
BoYrAcEr said:
When and where will the meet be held?
Might join you guys since it'll be my last days of freedom..lol

Why last days of freedom......going Army or getting married ?:errr: :)
Why last days of freedom......going Army or getting married ?:errr: :)[/quote]

lol..going army :( ..i'm not even going to think abt getting married..thats a whole new ball game

Oh well..last days of freedom..seeing lots of bimmer eye candy..now thats a good way to spend it
lol..going army :( ..i'm not even going to think abt getting married..thats a whole new ball game

Oh well..last days of freedom..seeing lots of bimmer eye candy..now thats a good way to spend it

Good luck Bro. Dont worry la, beri fast over one. After BMT still got chance everyday drive your bimmer to camp :thumbsup:
Ernest29 said:
lol..going army :( ..i'm not even going to think abt getting married..thats a whole new ball game

Oh well..last days of freedom..seeing lots of bimmer eye candy..now thats a good way to spend it

Good luck Bro. Dont worry la, beri fast over one. After BMT still got chance everyday drive your bimmer to camp :thumbsup:

That's if u damn lucky loh... if u kenna stay-in combat personnel... :errr:

But join us for the meetup! It'll be fun man! :thumbsup:
bro, doesn't look like Kallang car park ler??? :screwedu:
Who is that black guy? What is his nick? hehehe :roll:
The LV NSX look so chio man.
Lol it was funny when it rained....all disappear..left only a handful of us e30's but that rain came down with a vengence

All in all it was great meeting you guys..sorry didn't get to talk much to you both..ryan and azriel..very shy ah..hehe
Heh not a problem, you're enteringsoon right? good luck for your days in NS!!!!!!! :shoot: :thumbsup:

BoYrAcEr said:
Lol it was funny when it rained....all disappear..left only a handful of us e30's but that rain came down with a vengence

All in all it was great meeting you guys..sorry didn't get to talk much to you both..ryan and azriel..very shy ah..hehe
ORD lor... :)

Yah... i have to apologise for not chatting with u... will be great if i could catch up with u before u enter the army! Or anytime that u are free!

Ernest29 said:
:oops: 1st time there too. Very Lost :errr: . Dunno who to look 4, who to talk 2...n also a bit paiseh. Just walk ard and admire all brudders' ride. 8) :shock: Chio Chio :thumbsup:

Aiyah... next time go get one of the "older" members' numbers and ask them to bring u around and intro yourselves!

We used to have a 10 min gathering where we'll introduce the new guys to the older guys but unfortunately, it rained and all were gone!


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