Intake tract design continued from K&N thread


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Following WT's recommendation and a lack of response confirming permission from author of K&N thread, have decided to start this thread.

Quoting Rodney bud...
If you plot the position of the piston versus crankshaft rotation, you will get a cosine curve.

Piston kinematics is interesting. It is counter-intuitive, but rod motion is not sinusoidal. If one were to run the trig. (in say single or tens of degrees) for any reciprocating piston engine from diesel forklift to F1 engine, he'd find that piston movement around top of stroke [top dead center (TDC)] is quicker compared to around the bottom of stroke [bottom dead center (BDC)]. Rod ratios augment or diminish the differences in motion around the TDC and BDC to some degree, but the only way the relation between piston motion and crankshaft rotation will be purely harmonic / sinusoidal, is if the rod is of infinite length. This is impossible, so there are no exceptions to the curve being flattened around BDC.

The lower acceleration off BDC is further encouragment for the use of efficient higher velocity higher inertia tracts that allow cylinder charging past BDC.

The other way to to keep the air moving in on its own momentum at the bottom of the stroke which does not have any drawbacks if the valves close in time for the compression to take place.

The problem with high velocity tracts and late closing valves is that below the operating range velocity can't be built and compression is reduced. Street cars require a wide range of operating RPM, so the bias is always towards low-mid range power (earlier intake valve closing [IVC]) which is where 95% of day to day driving takes place. Variable cam phasing helps but in current form is limited in degree.

So the size of the manifold, plenum capacity and intake tract up to the tip of the filter plays a part.

Totally agree, but don't forget the port! The closer one gets to the cylinder, the more important the design of that part of the tract. It should be no surprise that the intake port design is critical.

Where we design the velocity into a tract is important. It does no good to have a long column high velocity area early on in the tract only to have it feed into a larger area before entering the cylinder.

A tapering design is best with little or no edges inside to form vortices or eddys to restrict flow.

Agree, but there are some exceptions in high velocity turns or anti reversion ledges where either poor port, cam, selection/design, or just rules, lead to limited optimization.

In the 6 cyl engines, the air flow is more constant as there is always 1 cylinder sucking at anytime so the air in the intake tract has a constant flow.

The larger the number of cylinders, the smaller the pressure changes within an intake tract. Everything down to a 4 cyl has 1 cylinder on intake stroke at any time though, so is it not a matter of having cylinders all seamlessly drawing air, but having the draws closer together for the least change. The only way to do this is with more cylinders.

if you have a long tract, the air momentum will continue to push some air into the cylinder at the bottom of the induction stroke. This resonance effect works best at a particular rev range.

Resonance is seperate from inertia cylinder charging.

So to keep the air flow smooth, the classic bell mouths trumpets work very well. F1 engines idle at 6000rpm and rev to 18000rpm which is only 3 times the range. They do not have plenums and manifolds behind the throttle butterflies and their power delivery is easier to concentrate given the limited range.

In fact F1 engines DO have runners drawing from a large volume plenum which is fed by the intake above the driver's head. The throttles are individual barrel throttles and location is in the runners. Attached are 2 pictures I took at a recent convention in Indy. They are of the Cosworth 2003 Jordan engine - after the plenum has been opened and filter removed. The barrel throttles are shown at ~20% open. At WOT they present pure orifice with zero flow restriction unlike with standard butterflies.

Factory designs are almost optimum for street driving.

Totally agree. I see little advantage to messing around with a street driven non-tracked small-med displacement NA it if the stock balance is found good.

There are some fringe components that one can look at and immediately tell that they will make things worse or provide zero improvement, but with the large majority, testing is needed. Plug and test, plug and test, may sound backward but it is not. Even at levels where industry standard 15K USD fluid simulation software is used, plug and test is still prevalent. There are teams, shops, with rows and rows of shelves just stacked with things like manifolds, all money spent in the effort to find the peak performing one that works in combination with the rest of the tract.

Testing with the right tools. Test process control is another big area of concern.
Also, F1 doesn't just consider tract volumes, lengths, shapes, but goes down to materials - how use of different composites results in differing wave reflection characteristics. The fact that this level of concern is held in plenum construction, shows that it is an importantl component of the induction system, and not mere housing for the runners.

It would be different if the runners just came up and had filters over them around which is atmosphere - like in many other individual runner / TB applications.
Informative....very informative...but I didn't read beyond 2 sentences cos I didn't understand
GetzMan said:
Informative....very informative...but I didn't read beyond 2 sentences cos I didn't understand

Hi Getz, that's ok
Shaun, you the man... :thumbsup:

Great info. I think it can be summed up in 1 statement.... life is about compromises...

Whadda you think...

Definitely man :) The microsystems are all pretty much figured out, but the interaction of all of them as a whole is less known and a matter of finding balance since they compromise one another.
In the previous thread, I was of the opinion that changes to the intact be limited to +- 10-15% both in length and diameter. I still think that in a traffic ridden road system here, low end torque talks. With manufacturers optimising systems for all round drivability, stuff that came with the car cannot be that far off.

Of course, there is the other argument that commercially produced cars are always built to a budget. That too is understandable as they cannot spend 10hrs clearing the ports on a multivalve cylinder head and charge you US$10grand for the whole car.

it leads me to believe that certain things can be improved upon but only to a limit before another thing becomes the restriction.
With manufacturers optimising systems for all round drivability, stuff that came with the car cannot be that far off.

it leads me to believe that certain things can be improved upon but only to a limit before another thing becomes the restriction.

Agree 100% brudda! :thumbsup:

That's why I always try to dissuade people from small, unverified, mods because there is a good chance of messing up the stock balance, and/or not even getting to a result as claimed by product vendors/makers. The person has to be crystal clear about his intended targets and application , and be willing to deal with the resultant compromise.

For small-mid displacement NA street driving, I am an advocate of leaving things stock or at least relatively stock.
Fellow Italian F1-aficionado Remi Humbert has hosted some of my pictures on his site. It is one of the best picture sites on Formula and Prototype technology. If anyone is interested... . The link to my pics is in the right column near the top.

Same engine as above.

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