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I want to buy a 1992 E36 318i(Any comment?)


Well-Known Member
Why not consider a 320 instead, esp if looking for an auto one, if you dun mind the higher tax and consumption. Do some calculations. Quite readily available, but do check thoroughly the condition and be patient in your hunt given its already 12 yrs old. 6 cylinder bimmer engines gives better satisfaction.. no matter what model they are.. IMO. 318 is 4 cylinders.
what is the common parts that will spoil for that model,as i heard that there gear box spoils easily for the age of that car.Izzit true?
I presume u r referring to the autotrans. It depends on the mileage, the driver and also whether it was changed and when was that. Like I said, you got to hunt patiently and hopefull chance on a better one with good owner, lower mileage?. An enthusiast owner will be good. Of course, if u wun mind, a manual trans will be a surer bet, unlikely to require a change, coz its solid built. Be realistic, since the car is old, u got to be prepared to fix some of the wear and tear items. Usual thing which might cost $$ are the a/c coil, radiator, shocks, brake pads, power steering pump, electricals, interior fittings etc. All depends on the previous owners, ask for the receipts for the parts changed afap. Hop I haven't put you off, actually u will be amazed at the condition of some of the cars from E36 forumers. Get things sorted out and it could provide loads of trusty service. I still enjy my E36 though its 11 yrs old already.
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