HM2 vs RK2 vs RK


Well-Known Member
Dear Bros, just need some opinion fm your experiences: Are the 18"HM2s really that heavy? Anyone run it on a 318 (compared to stock?)
I am currently running 17"BBS RKs and they are really really light. Think it might possibly be the lightest, but now am seriously considering 18" HM2s, or 18"BBS RKs, or 18"BBS RK2s...

Had read on several other threads (e46fanantics, australian sites etc.) and most are really complaining about the heavy HM2s... are they really that bad? compared to RK2s are they still significantly heavy?

Any experience, 1st hand, 2nd hand, 3rd hand etc. will help. Thanks in advance.
Re: HM2 vs RK2 vs RK

HM are the heaviest compared to ACS Breyton.....actually, both HM and ACS are pig wheels. heavy.
Re: HM2 vs RK2 vs RK

actually i couldn't find the real tech specs for Hamann & ACs... BBS, Volk, Enkei, OZ, all can find, but not for HM & ACS... but realistically, is it truly u have to 'drag' them with a 318(valvetronic)? are they really that much heavier as compared wif e.g. style68M (the current stock for sports edition)?

any clue where i can get such info?
Re: HM2 vs RK2 vs RK

Forget about any designer rims for that matter if you're driving a 318 and concerned about performance. Hamann rims are a torture to me... I mean Hamann rims would complete the look of my car right but I'm not about to sacrifice any performance for plain aesthetics. I would honestly go for the BBS RK if I were you. Tried them before... no regrets...

Topaz Blue NOT regretting...
Re: HM2 vs RK2 vs RK

I believe Shaolin is selling his 18" BBS RKs if you're interested
Re: HM2 vs RK2 vs RK

hi. thanks for tips! anyone know how to contact shaolin? Yoo hoo... calling Shaolin... could you kindly PM me?

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