

Well-Known Member
my fan belt snapped & engine overheated .....radiator cracked also.How much do u think I've to fork out for the damage?A mechanic told me that I've to do a top overhaul.........:(:(
Re: Help!!!

A top overhaul?!?! For a snapped fan belt? I'm no mechanic. I'm not even a technical guy but that sounds like a bit of a bullshit. Unless what you meant is the timing belt that has snapped. Problem is that Bimmers use timing chain and not belt. Please bring your ride to a more reputable workshop. You can refer to our workshop section to get an idea of where to go.

Fan belt snap and radiator gone means you would need to replace a couple of things
- fan belt
- fan
- radiator + expansion tank
- hoses
- possibly a thermostat
- top up coolant

If the workshop uses reconditioned products , that should set you back by about $600 to $800 in total I think.
Take care.....

Topaz Blue NOT a mechanic...
Re: Help!!!

bullshit?? vehicle was towed to a workshop & I was on site to see the damage.Fan belt snapped,radiator leaking.....water had already gone into the does that warrant a overhaul??U tell me....I'm no technical guy but
I'm not blind.What I wanted to know was the estimated cost of the repair when I posted this thread.
Re: Help!!!

i think arsony meant the mechanic was giving u chill
Re: Help!!!

Yo Oogle bro, chill man, I was referring to the mechanic so unless you've been bedding him/her/it, don't need to feel so touchy all over ya. As a fellow forummer, I have your welfare in mind. Certainly dont want you to get ripped for nothing. I've experienced this problems myself and there aint no top overhaul mentioned....uh-uh!
From my limited experience, a fan belt snapping would not cause water to leak directly into your engine. If I remember correctly, there are seperate channels/compartment for both water and petrol within the engine block and the only way that water can get into your engine is when you've probably realized that the fan belt snapped and fan stopped a wee bit too late and the temp and pressure rises to a point where your gasket blew and water leaked in. Confirmation is easy. Take your engine oil cap off and look at its underside. If you see a whitish sludge that looks a little like a cross between cream cheese and hummus, then you need a top overhaul bro which should not cost you more than 2.5k. Talk to a few people and like most patients who go to the end of the world looking for second opinions regarding their medical conditions, you should do the same for your ride/baby ok.... Cheers!

Topaz Blue NOT bedding any mechanic....
Re: Help!!!

Arsony,...thank you for yr kind concern.I was on site to see the damage myself.What u've mentioned abt the late discovery of the snapped fan belt which eventually led to the damage of the gasket was true.....I was at the workshop today to see the dismantling of the engine & shown the damage...should be able to collect my car by this weekend.As the workshop is recommended by a close buddy, I 'm assured that the charges are very,very reasonable.Maybe I'll post the receipt here to show that I was reasonably charged once I get the green light to go & collect the car.

Re: Help!!!

Oogle said:
Arsony,...thank you for yr kind concern.I was on site to see the damage myself.What u've mentioned abt the late discovery of the snapped fan belt which eventually led to the damage of the gasket was true.....I was at the workshop today to see the dismantling of the engine & shown the damage...should be able to collect my car by this weekend.As the workshop is recommended by a close buddy, I 'm assured that the charges are very,very reasonable.Maybe I'll post the receipt here to show that I was reasonably charged once I get the green light to go & collect the car.


Bro, if as u mentioned, the workshop was recommended by a close buddy of yours and you think the charges are reasonable, then why bother to start a thread asking us to guesstimate for u your damage.

Anyway, hope u get your ride repaired and running again.
Re: Help!!!

My guess is the workshop at first hasn't given him a figure, so the moment he heard "top overhaul" he was like thinking "oh no it's gonna be 5-figure sum"! So now that Arsony has given his 2.5k guesstimate maybe he's comparing this with what the workshop has quoted him and is feeling that it's reasonable lor.
Re: Help!!!

T6 said:
Bro, if as u mentioned, the workshop was recommended by a close buddy of yours and you think the charges are reasonable, then why bother to start a thread asking us to guesstimate for u your damage.

Anyway, hope u get your ride repaired and running again.

I started the thread hoping for a rough estimate of the charges from drivers who have gone thru the experience.Like what DreamDriver have said, I wasn't given a quote from the workshop initially.
Re: Help!!!

Oogle said:
I started the thread hoping for a rough estimate of the charges from drivers who have gone thru the experience.Like what DreamDriver have said, I wasn't given a quote from the workshop initially.

Hope the $damage not too bad and hope your ride is up and running in no time. Cheers!
Re: Help!!!

Yo Oogle buddy, so how much they quoted you? My figure zhun or not? If you uncomfortable with naming the workshop and its quote, just pm me ok?

Topaz Blue NOT uncomfortably zhun...
Re: Help!!!

Oogle said:
my fan belt snapped & engine overheated .....radiator cracked also.How much do u think I've to fork out for the damage?A mechanic told me that I've to do a top overhaul.........:(:(

Hey..the very same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. the mechanic recommened i do a major overhaul coz my car was already 12 yrs old and the mileage was around 270k++. in the end it cost me around still running in the new piston rings but the engine is much smoother its really up to ya, whether u think its worth it.
Re: Help!!!

Total damage not so bad after all.Less than 1K.Below are the parts listed in the receipt.

AC Belt 21.00
Alternator Belt 12.50
Power Pump Belt 13.50
Skim head 40.00
Skim valve 52.00
Labour 150.00
Radiator Assembly 180.00
Coolant 6.00
Spark Plugs 24.00
Water Pump 70.00
Timing Bearing 102.00
Top Gasket 111.00
Timing Belt 26.00
Thermostat 32.00
Re: Help!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought we're using timing chain instead of belt?
Re: Help!!!

Hmm.... total cost of $840/- . Not too far from my guesstimate.

Topaz Blue NOT guessed....
Re: Help!!!

rodders said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought we're using timing chain instead of belt?

I dunno's listed in the receipt as timing belt.
Re: Help!!!

Other than skim head skim valve, the rest don't look anything remotely like "overhaul" to me. In fact seems like they took the chance to help you replaced lots of wear-and-tear parts too, so your "repair" bill is actually much smaller. Glad that you managed to get away with something that could've been worse.
Re: Help!!!

It's just a top overhaul nia............lucky repairs didn't run into 4 figures....:)