Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!


Well-Known Member
Dear all,

This morning, my wife was driving my car with my 2 babies in them when a beige MPV hit fm the side, damaging my left side (have not seen yet, but fm description fm my wife over the phone, seem like front left door, mirror, fender, (bumper), Left-front wheel, Right front wheel (my wife hit the right kerb trying to avoid the errant driver) got damaged. But after stopping, the driver looked and just said to my wife " So ok la, just settle like that " and drove off.

My wife, shocked and stumped, didn know what to do/how to react. In her panic, she didnt even see the make of car, car plate number etc... Thank God my wife and children ok, and BMW build their cars well, BBS built their wheels well enough for my car to be still movable... and keeping my family well.

1. Now i dunno how to report something like that... any bro can advise here?
2. Where can i do my bodywork well and properly done? Any reco?

Thanks for any advise here!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Sorry to hear abt it bro but u shd make a police report asap and report it as a hit and run and see if the police willing to investigate. Since your wife didn't take down the other driver's particulars or at least the number plate. W/out solid evidence, I don't think your insurer will be on your side. You will either have to claim against your own insurer or not tell them and repair with your own $. Hard luck man.
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi Bro. Thanks for quick reply! Yeah, think i gotta do outa my own $ ... Police report will do so this p.m...
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

What an A**hole! Thank goodness your family is alright, which is the most important thing. Hope the police will get him and either throw him behind bars for a long time or fine him by the thousands!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

hope so too.... such XXXXXXXXXXXX shouldnt be allowed on the roads..

should be put behind bars .... @ Singapore zoo!!! .. look out for this beige mpv/mini mpv with prob a damaged front / right.... (according to my wife, similar shape to the Renault mid-size mpv... but cudv been a Honda Stream... or whatever... ) what a shocker.... going to view it soon... sigh.....

but to face reality... i doubt the police will lift a finger... they'll probably file it as another 'road incident'.
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Thank God yr family is ok! :)
after yr wife has calmed down, take some pictures or from car mags and show to her all the MPV you can find and ask her to slowly recall the MPV that hit yr car.....and of course, make a police report first and if yr wife can remember the car, go back to the police station with the police report to tell the police that you have known the model/make of the car......

we can ask ALL of our BMW-SG brother to be on the lookout at car service centres for such a MPV with front dents!!!!!!!!!! that way, we are sure we can come out with a list of car plate number for yr wife to recall...... :cloud9:

I can only think of these methods at the moment....but will need everyone's help to be on the lookout! I will be on the lookout for you as help ma..... :)
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

You may want to tell us the location. That could help with the keep-a-lookout bit.
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

richlee7 said:
Dear all,

1. Now i dunno how to report something like that... any bro can advise here?
2. Where can i do my bodywork well and properly done? Any reco?

Thanks for any advise here!

Bro i hv 1 suggestion, hope can help if u lucky. when u hv time search thru all other car forums. u may see someone talking abt his/her fren hving hit a bimmer this morning or sumthin like that. but need a lot of effort to track it down to a phone number or sumthin, needs patience and luck.
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi Bro! Thanks for advise and sympathy.

Already made the report, and unfortunately... she still cannot tell the car model other than look like silverish gold/beige (fm the paint leftover on my car) ... hmmm.... hard to tell... fm her description of the actual accident, the other car must also have its right side damaged (front/side/rear my wife also cannot tell... sigh.... she was so shocked, and was just concerned about my 2 little ones on the back seats) ... as for me, mainly my front left fender, my 2 front wheels, my left wing mirror should need to change. ...

Thank God, both my children were in child car seats (4point type)... on impact, my wife swerved, and probably both the impact and her swerve hit the right kerb, damaging both my right tyres (cut) and my front right BBS(RK) badly damaged. My front left BBS(RK) was also badly damaged fm direct impact, but thank God they really built these TOUGH!!! Think if i got chiong ones, maybe crack by now.

As for the location, it was along Telok Blangah Road, below Telok Blangah Flyover, in the direction fm Henderson Road toward Alexandra Road. Time was about 10am.

Fm the way the fella rushed off, i suspect either stolen car, or he got no valid licence...

All bros, lookout for such a car. Light colored MPV, damaged/dented on right side. STAY FAR FAR AWAY!!!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi Bros, thanks for suggestion : other forums... hmmm... gotta throw a big net, but no harm trying.

in any case, i had a detail discussion with the reporting officer, and he assured the the IO (investigating officer) will contact me in 2 working days.

if i manage to identify the 'bad driver' in the mpv, i'll send his particulars over to police for investigations and charges. I will definitely follow this case thoroughly to ensure he goes to Court21!!!

hope he'll never ever drive/harm any one/any car ever again!!! the bludy @#$%^&*.... (but realistically, he might be back on the road max 1year after sentence... shucks!)
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

maybe you can check out the car repair workshops at Alexandra Village if you see a car matching your description under going repairs there, since the accident happened around that location
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi ff6617. good point! will go on a drive-by later...

Anyway, just some updates talking to my wife last night... there arrived a Traffic Police at the scene... but apparently the other driver just said "we settled already privately. no problem", walked back to the car & drove off. Then the TP also rode off, without checking with my wife if everything was ok or whatsoever... unbelievable but true.

Anyway, the car (with my 2 babies) was still on the right side of the road, and ... what to do, so my wife drove off...

i lodged an official complain to TP on why proper procedures was not followed.

In any case, the shocking thing when i called TP headquarters, this incident was not even logged into their system! Unfortunately, my wife also forgot the TP's bike's number, his name etc... sigh... can't blame her, with 2 kids in the car, on the right side of the road...

Hope for the best, that i can locate the TP, and then the driver, and get him off the road for good if possible!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

like that also can ah... somebodies head gonna roll if word gets out...

anyway, the important thing is your wife & kids are okie... the rest is just financial pain...
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

I feel your pain bro. Thank God that your family is safe and will keep a lookout for that MPV. Hang in there!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Thanks bros! You're right, family is most important! Thank God they're fine. in fact my children don't even seem to mention it except when they saw me the first time... think it was ok for them.

Anyway, will start my campaign to get our traffic police do REAL JOBS : Keep our roads safe! (rather than shooting us with their speed gun at 3-lane, 4-lane 50kmh areas, bus lanes, and all those nonsense....)

And also to get that ... unmentionable driver off the road!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

If you got the time and date and location...should not be a problem to locate the cop in question.

I suggest this....write to the Traffic Police Commander and demand a explanation. Go see your doctor and ask him to do a check on your kids...sort of like making a record of some kind cos you can say that your kids now got fobia of riding in the car etc etc etc....

Make the TP sweat and let them do the work by weeding out the bochup TP and motorist.

To the errant MPV driver...."I ask about the "well begin" of your 13 generations !!"
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi Ghostrider. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll write to the TP Commander. Think i'll c.c. to my MP, to let him know that the TPs are not doing a good job guarding the roads in Telok Blangah, just for his reference. He's a very good and concern MP, so i think he will make a 'mention' if he meets his concerned politicians... now gotta think how to phrase it.
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hey Richlee77

Pray that you will be nearer to finding out who that culprit is.....any step closer is better than none!!!! :)
I am glad that things are turning out to be better than when you first posted. I was quite concerned but now happy for you!! :)
Hope that in no time, you will find who the TP :stop!: and the culprit are!!!!!!!!!!!! :cloud9:

We, brothers, can only pray and assist you in any way we can......all the best! Glad that yr children are doing fine and hope yr wife too!!!!!!!! take it easy!!!!!!!
Re: Help! Someone hit my car & run off... Advise needed urgently!

Hi lee5627, thanks for the support and sympathies fm you and bros all over our forum.

things are truly better mentally for me, and i have a clearer mind to sort out step by step how to get the fella off the road.

To be fair, will be giving the TP one week grace (expiring on 9th June) to investigate and will follow up with them fm there. hopefully they'll catch the culprit soon. Else i'll have to make them... hope to contribute my little share to rid our roads of such characters.

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