Hello there!


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.
Been lurking around for a while but have not posted coz I don't own a car or a BMW, but I have plans to get a BMW and that's the reason why I'm here. :)

It's been fun and educating to read about many members contribution here. Keep posting for you're making this an Ultimate Foruming Experience for everyone.

Re: Hello there!

nuts said:
Hello everyone.
Been lurking around for a while but have not posted coz I don't own a car or a BMW, but I have plans to get a BMW and that's the reason why I'm here. :)

It's been fun and educating to read about many members contribution here. Keep posting for you're making this an Ultimate Foruming Experience for everyone.


Welcum Nuts! I have 2 too..

So.. which model BM u plan to get?
Re: Hello there!

Hymics said:
Welcum Nuts! I have 2 too..

So.. which model BM u plan to get?

You got nuts? I got balls leh. :)

My heart tells me to go for a M3 convertible, but bankbook asks me to just get a 318. :(
Re: Hello there!

Hi there and welcome nuts. I have a big bolt.
Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Re: Hello there!

Wah..how come all so clean shaven? I've got rambutans..kekeke
Welcome to the forum and do enjoy your stay here!

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