Goodbye F10 523i


Well-Known Member
Going to say goodbye to my F10 523i by the end of this week. Changing for a Z4! Whoopee.

It is a good car. I have no engine or transmission problems (most important).

Some minor issues fixed (alignment issue) by MA. Also serviced regularly at MA. In fact after servicing at MA the engine has become more responsive and does not have that lag that some describe. Test drive to believe :)

Car already comes with sunroof and motorized boot close. I have upgraded the car to almost a "Highline" version:

- Brushed aluminum interior trims, swapped with a bro here
- 10" iDrive, original BMW GPS antenna, navigation, live traffic, etc. all done at Elebest
- Hi-fi speakers and tweeters (front) also done at Elebest
- Sports steering, bought overseas, installed by MA
- 535i rims, bought from bro who dekit 535i, running Michelin HP tyres (very comfortable)
- M-sports suspension w/front and rear ARBs, bought second hand, installed at R2D, wheel re-alignment done at MA with steering angle sensor calibration. Most cars in SG do NOT have this. Test drive to believe. Stock F10 drives like a boat.

These stuff costs me more than 10K to do up, even though they are mostly bought second hand (incl the iDrive, it was a promo)... so you can imagine what it would be like to buy them brand new.

Those who want to grab my car, it should be up for sale by next week. If you want I can refer you to my SE.

I'm going to be open here that I am getting a small commission for helping her do this referral, but definitely this is a good car and the next owner should enjoy what I have spent time and effort to do up, hopefully in return for just a small commission from the SE.

SMS me @ 9008 2997.

Pictures here: Used BMW 523i Car in Singapore @ Price SGD 188,000 (P.S. That's not the price by the dealer --- it's an old ad listing that I never update.)

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