Ghosty says hello to all !!


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Hi Kelvin,

Welcome. Looking forward to see you at this coming month end meetup.

Hi Kelvin!

Thanks for sharing :) Hope you'll take good care of that E34. Partly because i love how it looked in Ronin.. hehehea
arghhh, Ronin is a must have DVD for car scene lovers.
Welcome to the infectious club, brudder.

But your header to this thread frightened me leh. Especially now is "chik guek"......

:laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:
rodders said:
Hi Kelvin,

Welcome. Looking forward to see you at this coming month end meetup.


Sure thing...hopefull I can make it this round. My daughter having her break from her weekend enrichment classes.
ryan said:
Hi Kelvin!

Thanks for sharing :) Hope you'll take good care of that E34. Partly because i love how it looked in Ronin.. hehehea

Ronin is a M5 leh !! Mine is nowhere near it !! However...I did see a real M5 E34 over at SE Tyre when I was changing my tyre. Real nice car driven by a nice friendly chap.

BTW...the M5 in Ronin CMI leh...can't even beat a Pugeot....ha ha ha ha ha ha....
kenntona said:
Welcome to the infectious club, brudder.

But your header to this thread frightened me leh. Especially now is "chik guek"......

:laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:

When you do no evil, midnite no scare ghost knock door. :laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:

But I think SG drivers hardly saints....I for one curse at taxi and tai tai drivers everyday !!!
Ghostrider said:
When you do no evil, midnite no scare ghost knock door.

Midnite ghost knock door I am not too worried. If some gals knock door, I will panick.
Ghostrider said:
kenntona said:
But I think SG drivers hardly saints....I for one curse at taxi and tai tai drivers everyday !!!

Its ok man... if you curse at taxi drivers and tai tai drivers you definitely belong here... in fact, you should meet Racebred, our resident taxi driver hater... .hahaha
Add me to the list as well.....
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Add me to the list as well.....
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Think that all of the members of this forum are on that list... hmmm...

ryan.... should we make cursing at taxi drivers a pre-requisite for joining the forum?? hahaha!!! kidding...
kenntona said:
Ghostrider said:
When you do no evil, midnite no scare ghost knock door.

Midnite ghost knock door I am not too worried. If some gals knock door, I will panick.

Well it depends...if midnite knock on my home door...I am in deep shit. But if I out station knock on my hotel door....welcum !! Ha ha ha ha ha ha....
MRacer77 said:
Ghostrider said:
kenntona said:
But I think SG drivers hardly saints....I for one curse at taxi and tai tai drivers everyday !!!

Its ok man... if you curse at taxi drivers and tai tai drivers you definitely belong here... in fact, you should meet Racebred, our resident taxi driver hater... .hahaha

Let me clarify first...I dun curse all taxi drivers. (I not that evil yet). I only curse those that drive as if the whole world owes them a living and they blardy own the road. Those that I hate are as follows :

1) Road hi beam he brakes or just SBC (Simply BoChup)
2) You signal and he speeds up to block your move to change lanes.
3) Alight or pickup passenger without cosideration to other road users.
(What I mean is...take their own sweet time to move off and they stop at such a position that is blocking traffic....10m away got a bustop but they cannot stop inside...must stop on the main road itself to block traffic)

For now....that's about it....I think should have more...let me think about it and add on.
Brother, time to keep a golf club in the car. The 7-iron is a good weapon against cabbies.
rodders said:
My fists and legs are deadlier.......

Ya, but how many cabbies can you bash with a pair of fists and legs? They are everywhere, remember? One radio-call and help arrives for them. Try the 7-iron. See if you can break the record by taking 5 on all at the same time.
Thats when I'll call you guys to come down as well.....especially ghosty...hehehe
No lah, you can call me first.

Doesn't matter if it was a Comfort, TIBS, Yellow Top, or Silver Cab - as long as it's a cabbie.

I have been too nice for too long liao. Time to even some things out.

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