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Garage Sale.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

There will be a garage sale next Sunday at my place approx 8.00am. A bit embarrassing really, but because of my current situations (debts, living expenses,
etc.), I'm finding it a bit difficult with money at the moment. I've
decided to have a garage sale and hopefully with your generosity, I be able to tie over for the next couple of weeks.

Desperate times call for desperate measures! I'm sure that I will get
out of this mess sooner or later but in the meantime, you gotta do what
you gotta do!

I've taken a photo of my stuffs. If you see anything you like, please
let me know as soon as possible so I can save it for you assuming the
price is right.

Hope you can make it. Do inform your friends or relatives to bring in more
customers for me.

Appreciate that... Thanks...


Topaz Blue NOT selling....
Re: Garage Sale.


My friend.. you nearly got me for one moment.........

Re: Garage Sale.

NNB... i was abt to call u to ask u wat happen.. hahahahaha.. good one.
Re: Garage Sale.

Whoa lau....

For a moment i was thinking could get some cheap second hand mods from you....hahahaha

Good one!!!
Re: Garage Sale.

I think he is eyeing a ferrari.....

hehehe correct bro??
Re: Garage Sale.

Nin na bey, I read the first few line and was about to SMS you...... CCB you.
Re: Garage Sale.

Lucky I didn't jump to conclusion and look at the picture first. This picture has been posted before lah. Haha nice try!
Re: Garage Sale.

knn, u got me there sial...read it again till i scroll down...nnb ai doc
Re: Garage Sale.

Dear Arsony,

Let me say this.. no problem, we are all here to help...

What ever difficulty you have... IT MUST BE A ULTRA SUPER HUGE one!!!

In light of this, I have no choice but to lend a hand as well... it's really a puny sum compared to what you have, but I do hope this will tide you over this difficult period..

See you this Sunday at 8:00am then..

With a heavy heart,
Re: Garage Sale.

I chop the silver spider in the front roll that one ....
give me your POSB account number and I GIRO payment to you.

Re: Garage Sale.


I tink U're dam bored.........pls call me to discuss on modding your car further, if not you'll be posting some BO LIAO postings here!!!

U need to see the 'Mod Doctor' = 'Me' !!!


'The Great White'
Re: Garage Sale.

Nice spoof ............
U now us free flow KFCs at the next meet up :)

Terima Kasih

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