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FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Thinking of changing rims so looking to sell my 18inch original BMW Type 32 rims which are currently fitted with Michelin PS2s 225/40/18. Tyres have lots of life in them still (probably 70%). $1,500 for the lot. Also open to offers for just the rims or just the tyres. Please PM me with any offers or questions.

The rims look like those shown in the 2 pics below. I can also email pics of the actual rims and tyres to anyone interested.

Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Bump. Rims and tyres still available. Price negotiable. Drop me a PM. Here is a pic of the actual rims. Thanks!
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Will offer 4 x used 225/40/18 neova tyre(70%) for your ps2!

Dude, we need to try out different ones to noe de best right?:)

Call me at 92728687(Dennis) if u ok............
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

bring on the dancing girls - these are cool !

will they fit new shape 5 series ?

although ideally i want 19 inch i think this is good option lah, any scratches / damage to the rims?
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Hi. Not sure if they will fit the new 5 series but they are 5x120 and 8Jx18. Anyone else able to advise? Thanks!! I know they will fit all e46s.

They are in good condition. Some minor kerb rash but I would be happy to fix them prior to sale.

Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Hi, is ur tires still u for sale? Kindly call me at 81121973 if it is still avail. Tanks
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Yes still available. Preferred if can swap with existing 17inch rims and will be willing lower asking price. Thanks!
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Send me a pic of the rim

Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Hello. The pic of the rims is in my second post above. Thanks!
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Bump. Rims and tires still available. Prefer to sell as a set. Price approx $1,000. Please PM me with any questions or offer. Thanks!
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2


Does it fit on E90? sorry but I am new to this.

Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Sorry, rims have been sold. Thanks to KF - pleasure meeting you!!
Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

bro...yr rims still available for sale. me quite interested. pls pm me at 9026-9341.
tks dude.

Re: FS: BMW 18inch Type 32 rims with PS2

Sorry rims were sold already. Thanks anyway!

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