Engine oil viscosity for 545


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what engine oil viscosity BMW recommends for the 545? Was told two things by two different official dealers 0-40 and 5W-30.

Anyone? Thks
Re: Engine oil viscosity for 545

meinauto said:
Does anyone know what engine oil viscosity BMW recommends for the 545? Was told two things by two different official dealers 0-40 and 5W-30.

Anyone? Thks

If you only do short distance everyday get 0w30. Engine oil takes about 20 mintues to get to operating temp here in Singapore...... if you use a thick oil, it won't have the chance to hit operating temp before you reach your destination. But you will need to change out when going on NS and the track.

Check out this link. This chap uses 0w20 in his Lamborghini and Ferrari in hot Florida Sun.
Re: Engine oil viscosity for 545

Just follow BMW factory recommendation.
But I'd think 0w-40 or 5w-50
Re: Engine oil viscosity for 545

MetalUnderTension said:
Hey Dude,

Your topic caught the interest of my Dad and I as he has a 545. Anyway we dug the handbook for the car and searched Castrol. You can use Castrol Formula SLX which is the preferred oil for the 545 (BMW Longlife-01). You can read up from this link http://www.castrol.com/castrol/productdetailmin.do?categoryId=8310005&contentId=6006199

Hi there

Thanks for the link. Managed to get a consistent response from Auto Bavaria (i am from KL). The recommended viscosity is 5W30

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