E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start


Active Member
Hey Guys,

My car i about 2 weeks old and recently I realised that the car takes an awful lotta effort to get started. (Whether its a cold morning or later in the day)...

It coughs and sputters quite a fair bit *after I press the engine start button* before coming to life.

Is this normal? (Because rainy season) or is there something wrong with my car?

After reading the experience of the 1 day old E90 owner.. im honestly a bit freaked out with my ride..


Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Cough and sputtering for a 2-week new car?
Hmm ... signs of more things to come?

Suggest going for engine diagnostic check at yr next service.
Maybe just spark plugs or fuel injection system.

Yah I know how it feels when you have a brand new car acting up on you.
Not too confidence-inspiring, I suppose.

But these dang Valvetronic 2L models, made in Africa, seems to be giving problems, in various forms. Not just in Singapore, mind you.
Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

IS200 said:
Cough and sputtering for a 2-week new car?
But these dang Valvetronic 2L models, made in Africa, seems to be giving problems, in various forms. Not just in Singapore, mind you.

You mean the Rosyth plant in SA is also assembling the N42 valvetronic engines?

For RHD cars, try and follow the UK forums (e46fanatics typically more american...) some of them have reached really high mileage, so it's an indication of what could possibly start going wrong...
Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Sometimes the whole car a bit shaky when you press the start button first thing in the morning when the car is new. Once the car has been proper run-in, all this symptoms will go off gradually. Not to worry. Enjoy your new ride.
Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Hi Melwyn,

The situation you described does not sound normal. My 5month old E90 fires up immediately every time, regardless of the previous night conditions. What I noticed though is that the idling speed is slightly higher during the startup phase when the weather is colder than normal.

Suggest you get PML to do a diagnostic for you asap.

Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies .. I will prob call the saleslady tomorrow and ask about it. :)

Anyway i've only clocked up 550 km on the car currently... so hopefully when its more run in the problem will just...go away.. *prays*


Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Hi Melwyn,
I am one of those new E90 owners with horror stories (like the car spending the first month in PML rather than with me because of starting and stalling problems). BUT no worries, now the car seems to be holding fine. Just some advice.

1. I think diagnostics is too over rated. Diagnostics just sounds damn fierce, something the SA uses to impress customers. It does not detect alot of things. For almost 3 weeks, the technicians could not find anything wrong using diagnostics. Then they replace the whole fuel system including tanks and pumps (which diagnostics cannot detect), then the thing resolve.

2. Everyone tells me initially that the car needs to run in. But you need to be realistic. If it doesn't feel right, there's probably something wrong. Run in only improves the smoothness and overall condition of the engine. Run in does NOT fix problems that appears obvious.

3. Take note of the symptoms and problems of your car and pen it down. The idiots at PML will initially think they know everything or simply bo-chup. But when they have no idea how to fix the car after weeks, they will eventually look at your inputs , and fix the problem. Take the time to make sure your SA writes the symptoms in the computer. It may seem useless at the point in time, but that was what they used to fix my car. So much for diagnostics.

Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Currently hit 736km but still havent had time to KB to the sales lady yet..

My car died starting-up today, cough cough sputter sputter, *died*
and had to press the start button again..

Ill prob wait till end of next week before I call the lady.. got alot of crap stacking up and need to urgently clear them first..

Nonetheless thanks for the advice so far..! :)

Any ideas what might be wrong ?
Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Same symptom as me.
Don't waste time, tell them to change the fuel pump.
Re: E90 320i Engine takes quite a lot of rattling to start

Hey Guys,

Have called PML Saleslady.. will be bringing in the car on first thing on Monday morning to Alexandra to take a look. She told me that prob they gonna change my spark plugs and check the fuel injection system.. will highlight to them on Mon again.

Thks for the advice. :)

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