Hi, folks. I'd like to pick your brains for a bit. I'm stuck having to make a choice between an E90 320 and a 2005 A4 1.8T (S Line edition with the S suspensions). Like a kid in a candy store, my eyes are glazed and I'm not sure wot to get.
Which do you guys think is the better of the two in terms of reliability, handling, consumption, servicing, resale value etc? The 1.8T seems to have better performance stats than the 320. Anyone had the opportunity of having owned both marques?
I have the occasional lead foot and, like all of us, prefer something that's nimble and can dart about in our city traffic. :twisted: Also, I'm not a serious modder, so I probably won't add too many bells and whistles to it either. So, wot does the collective wisdom say? Thanks, guys!

Which do you guys think is the better of the two in terms of reliability, handling, consumption, servicing, resale value etc? The 1.8T seems to have better performance stats than the 320. Anyone had the opportunity of having owned both marques?
I have the occasional lead foot and, like all of us, prefer something that's nimble and can dart about in our city traffic. :twisted: Also, I'm not a serious modder, so I probably won't add too many bells and whistles to it either. So, wot does the collective wisdom say? Thanks, guys!