E60 steering wheel got noise??


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standard way of trying to ascertain if "all bimmers are like that" answer from CSA, is to both sit in the PML demo car. if the demo car is good and silent, then tell him to fix it under warrenty.
Re: E60 steering wheel got noise??

denden said:
I would like to check with all bimmer owners of my problem.
My 1week's old E60's steering wheel when turned (detected during parking & U Turns, 'coz mor turning of steering), have this kinda 'friction' soft sound like 'metal-against-metal' from within the wheel itself.
Already sent to PML, they have change some parts. I got my car back yesterday and I still hear the sound from within.
I call the technical advisor, he say bimmers are all like this.
My Qn:
1) is it all bimmer like that?
2) if not, what is the possible problem here?
Pls advise :(

Did it sound like a spring recoil?
It might be the same problem i had, it was the front undercarriage rubbing noises.

look here for some background on my postings!

Thanks for the response n advise.
The sound is from the back of the steering wheel and sounds like raw metal surface rubbing against one another. I have got to off the audio just to notice them.
Last time i drove a jap car, got the same kinda problem. the mechanic say its bearing problem. dunno bimmer isit d same :|
I think racebred's advice would be gd. at least if the demo car is different then they can c d different.
I think the noise you're hearing is from the ring just behind the steering in front of the steering column. It is a conductor (in the form of a flat ring) placed there (as in the case of all steering wheels) as a contact for horn functions, etc. The CSA is telling you nonsense. Threaten to tear the house down and get them to change the part. I believe its due to greasing problem.

If you got problems, best place to send your car to is PML at Kg Arang. PML Alexandra is a shitting joint; all sorts of nationalities stationed there working on your car.

Hi tripleX u sound very serious abt the rojak nationalities servicing our cars in Alexandra. U mean tat Kg Arang technicians are much better n knowledgable than those at Alexandra? I tot they r all the same, Trained n Qualified in order to be workin in PML?? Ur statments r making me worry to send my car to Alexandra. Thinking back, i do encountered a lot of stupid problems after i sent my car for serviving last week! Got to clarify wif one of the technician tis cming monday for the problems cos he was on leave tis week.i have to start to think...
Advise is to stick to one CSA, and make enough noise if you feel that your expectations are not met.

Personally, I feel that PML is still way behind Borneo Motors' Lexus division in terms of after-sales service.

Advise is to stick to one CSA, and make enough noise if you feel that your expectations are not met.

Personally, I feel that PML is still way behind Borneo Motors' Lexus division in terms of after-sales service.

Yeah!!! I am dead serious. PML Alexandra has got Philipinos, Chinamen, etc in the backroom. Also, a point to note; once they're done with your car, they normally park upstairs at the open carpark if you're not scheduled to collect your car for a few days - if you're away.

Kg Arang has got locals. I understand there is only 1 foreigner there. The Big PLUS is that they park your car indoors.

Take it from me; I have the credentials to prove it; I have had an E39, E65, E66 and now an E46 with a 545 coming soon. I will NEVER send my car to Alexandra ever again!!!
I drive an FL E46 2002 and have a metallic clicking noise when I am turning left slowly (like in carparks). Complained about the noise and PML changed something behind the steering wheel and the noise went away but now its back and worse! Unfortunately my workplace carpark requires a lot of slow tight left turns. Looks like I have to bring the car back to PML. What irks me about PML is that they take the whole day just to rectify a minor problem (like greasing my anti-roll bars)!
TripleX said:
Yeah!!! I am dead serious. PML Alexandra has got Philipinos, Chinamen, etc in the backroom. Also, a point to note; once they're done with your car, they normally park upstairs at the open carpark if you're not scheduled to collect your car for a few days - if you're away.

Kg Arang has got locals. I understand there is only 1 foreigner there. The Big PLUS is that they park your car indoors.

Take it from me; I have the credentials to prove it; I have had an E39, E65, E66 and now an E46 with a 545 coming soon. I will NEVER send my car to Alexandra ever again!!!

actually even though i prefer kampung arang cos it's closer to home, but when i had to send my car down to alexandra, had the chance to deal with a filipino guy called Cresendo(?). he is really very good in terms of trying to help expedite the car fast, and so far so good in terms of the car working fine since the repair. so may not be fair to say that a mix of nationalities working on the car will create more problems.

but saying all that, i still prefer kampung arang cos closer to home.

my car did however die on ophir road 2 weeks back, and it is embarassing to have to wait at the side of the road for 2 hours for the emergency people and tow truck to come and rectify my standing there looking like a cookoo bird. turned out that i had purchased a "lemon" E46 with a faulty fuel regulator. luckily now after the installing of a new fuel regulator the car is back on the road again (touch wood).

hartini, first you make me drool over your M3, now you want to make my mouth cramp over your 545?! life is cruel!!! :shock:
ah pui said:
oops, identity mixup (tripleM w. tripleX) :oops:

hahahha..... :slaphead: :lol:

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