crazy taxi driver!!!


it was about 9pm yesterday on my way home travelling comfortably about 70 -80km/h on tampines rd heading towrds tpe about to go up that stretch of round about before tpe.

i noticed a very fast car coming from behind i am on a 2 lane road on the right side and infront of me another car and to my left a truck.(going up that round about)

this crazy blue 3 litre crown comfort taxi was coming in real fast i had no choice but to step on the throttle and overtake the truck to avoid being reared. the taxi followed in hot pursuit chasing me up and down the round about.

after i signalled to filter into tpe and slowed down, he cut across three lanes to overtake me and immediately cut back into the 2nd lane as there were plenty of cars infont of him,it was dangerous ,rash and wreckless driving and his action almost caused the car he cut into to collide with him and me to rear this car because of sudden braking.

all this happened real fast i had no time to think

my thoughts were maybe he is rushing a passenger to hospital or he him self.

further down he slowed down because of a patrol car was stationary 2-300 metera ahead.

i caught with him wanted see who he was and why was he pursuing me in that manner, he was not carrying any passenger.

when i was by his side i rasied my left hand up gestering to him why???he then swirved the car into my lane gestering that he was going ram my side before turning left and leaving tpe.

i do not know why he was so charged up and what did i do to provoke him.i had alot more to lose as i was driving a few months old e60.

i only managed see his reg as SHC 154_Y .i know he is a big guy and if i see him i will recognise him.

how may i check and find out wat his registration number as i want to report the incident to the relevant authorities.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

What's new?? Another errant cab driver.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

i think u can write to the taxi company in question as well as the newspaper..
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

First, make a official telephone call to

65508588 - Comfort taxi Co. Incident Reporting Hotline.

and report your incident to the comfort authorities. Do it while the iron is still hot!
This number handles all the complaints.

Second, write a official letter to them as a follow up and demand disciplinary action taken agianst the driver - if any. (Get the address from the number above.)
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

i wish i had a big a55 truck to run them over! hate em cab drivers who are reckless and inconsiderate.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

Maybe he needed to pang sai
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

Definitely must report this kinda behavior on the road....
Just do it...
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

TripleM said:
Definitely must report this kinda behavior on the road....
Just do it...

Yes, PLease report and update us:
Trust me it works: Just follow this step:


First, make a official telephone call to

65508588 - Comfort taxi Co. Incident Reporting Hotline.

and report your incident to the comfort authorities. Do it while the iron is still hot!
This number handles all the complaints.

Second, write a official letter to them as a follow up and demand disciplinary action taken agianst the driver - if any. (Get the address from the number above.)
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

I like this taxi driver... at least he is not road hog like others.. :lol2:

take it easy bro... that is their rice bowl. just forgive.. :)
just my feel.. don;t flame me :nehnehhh:
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

Maybe he thinks his car is a IS250.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

calvin said:

take it easy bro... that is their rice bowl. just forgive.. :)
just my feel.. don;t flame me :nehnehhh:

i agree wit u or mayb u can try to contact him by getting his no. thru the taxi co.
ask him y muz he react that way? who noes dat he mite have a good reason.
this is their income, wat if he loses his job, pity him lah...
do remeber dat some relatives here do werk as a taxi driver too
dont flame me too, juz my opinion...
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

gadaffi said:
i agree wit u or mayb u can try to contact him by getting his no. thru the taxi co.
ask him y muz he react that way? who noes dat he mite have a good reason.
this is their income, wat if he loses his job, pity him lah...
do remeber dat some relatives here do werk as a taxi driver too
dont flame me too, juz my opinion...

not necessary dude... :yummie:
just to shared with you, in a week time.. i met 2 "BEST" drivers on the road.. which caused me for jam brake, a F1 champion's car Renault and F1 team BMW E60... what a week :lol2:
so, i just be more alert on the road...
drive safe :cloud9: i go lim kopi now... heheee
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

i got no offence with taxi driver. many years ago i rely on them heavily for transport and talk to them. i do not mind them road hogging as i can easily filter left and over take.

but yesterdays incident was beyond belief. i have not even encounter any thing like it before except in malaysia.never seen a taxi so fast and fierce before.

i want the co to give him a warning because he could have caused a pile up yesterday on tpe.
i guess if i do not write in possibly others will too as i did not get his reg correctly.

maybe he is a daytonna driver or he has the throttle drvice fitted.

recently my bro in law had an incident of a driver who was furious of him that this guy tailed his car and knew where he parked his car and then keyed his car real bad....but my bro did not know and did not take down his reg.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

rodders said:
Maybe he thinks his car is a IS250.

hahaha! You've been reading the other thread hor????


End of OT...........

PS: My dad is a Relief Taxi Driver. But passengers like to complain about him .....because he drives too slowly as he is already 69 yrs old!
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

taser said:
recently my bro in law had an incident of a driver who was furious of him that this guy tailed his car and knew where he parked his car and then keyed his car real bad....but my bro did not know and did not take down his reg.

wow, dat is bad.... really hurts wen car get keyed.
y neva confront the guy?
should have ask him y he tailed... or at least take down the no. plate
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

What a menace. It's ironic you mistyped "wreckless" cos it could easily have ended in tears.

(many of them don't signal also - when I'm on my scooter it's not fun trying to anticipate their next move... )
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

calvin said:
I like this taxi driver... at least he is not road hog like others.. :lol2:

take it easy bro... that is their rice bowl. just forgive.. :)
just my feel.. don;t flame me :nehnehhh:
rice bowl or not, that's beside the point.
if this guy is not taught a lesson, it might just cause an accident somewhere, anytime.
and the ones being hurt might be someone you know, or someone closed to you.

if this guy has a good reason, let him explain to the taxi company.
if not, i rather have a safer road than giving him a chance.

my 2 cents worth.
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

hahaz tsktsk.....can only say to be more careful with our 'dear' taxi drivers out there....
quoting shaaz's avatar :
"Don't argue with idiots, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

tt said, since all accounts show the cab companies dont exactly value such feedback, might as well send the letter and get it off ur chest....
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

So many of these kind of drivers around, esp new ones with SHC plate.
OT: One of my relatives jammed the brakes of his old Volvo 850 on a cab at KJE the other time, the red taxi tailgate like never see Volvo bumper b4:evil: ... His whole cab bonnet was thrashed but slight damage to the Volvo:nehnehhh: . Best part, taxi driver had to pay for all damage. Too bad I wasn't there, saw post-crash pix only. And lucky no other car behind that taxi...
Re: crazy taxi driver!!!

Just make the official complain.

If its his first time kanna complain, he will not lose his job, just a warning.
If he had received complain before, then maybe he should really be taken off the road.. Let the company deal with him, regardless whether its his rice bowl or not... it's other road users lives we're talking about.

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