it was about 9pm yesterday on my way home travelling comfortably about 70 -80km/h on tampines rd heading towrds tpe about to go up that stretch of round about before tpe.
i noticed a very fast car coming from behind i am on a 2 lane road on the right side and infront of me another car and to my left a truck.(going up that round about)
this crazy blue 3 litre crown comfort taxi was coming in real fast i had no choice but to step on the throttle and overtake the truck to avoid being reared. the taxi followed in hot pursuit chasing me up and down the round about.
after i signalled to filter into tpe and slowed down, he cut across three lanes to overtake me and immediately cut back into the 2nd lane as there were plenty of cars infont of him,it was dangerous ,rash and wreckless driving and his action almost caused the car he cut into to collide with him and me to rear this car because of sudden braking.
all this happened real fast i had no time to think
my thoughts were maybe he is rushing a passenger to hospital or he him self.
further down he slowed down because of a patrol car was stationary 2-300 metera ahead.
i caught with him wanted see who he was and why was he pursuing me in that manner, he was not carrying any passenger.
when i was by his side i rasied my left hand up gestering to him why???he then swirved the car into my lane gestering that he was going ram my side before turning left and leaving tpe.
i do not know why he was so charged up and what did i do to provoke him.i had alot more to lose as i was driving a few months old e60.
i only managed see his reg as SHC 154_Y .i know he is a big guy and if i see him i will recognise him.
how may i check and find out wat his registration number as i want to report the incident to the relevant authorities.
i noticed a very fast car coming from behind i am on a 2 lane road on the right side and infront of me another car and to my left a truck.(going up that round about)
this crazy blue 3 litre crown comfort taxi was coming in real fast i had no choice but to step on the throttle and overtake the truck to avoid being reared. the taxi followed in hot pursuit chasing me up and down the round about.
after i signalled to filter into tpe and slowed down, he cut across three lanes to overtake me and immediately cut back into the 2nd lane as there were plenty of cars infont of him,it was dangerous ,rash and wreckless driving and his action almost caused the car he cut into to collide with him and me to rear this car because of sudden braking.
all this happened real fast i had no time to think
my thoughts were maybe he is rushing a passenger to hospital or he him self.
further down he slowed down because of a patrol car was stationary 2-300 metera ahead.
i caught with him wanted see who he was and why was he pursuing me in that manner, he was not carrying any passenger.
when i was by his side i rasied my left hand up gestering to him why???he then swirved the car into my lane gestering that he was going ram my side before turning left and leaving tpe.
i do not know why he was so charged up and what did i do to provoke him.i had alot more to lose as i was driving a few months old e60.
i only managed see his reg as SHC 154_Y .i know he is a big guy and if i see him i will recognise him.
how may i check and find out wat his registration number as i want to report the incident to the relevant authorities.