car windows fog out.....


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
wonder if any of you guys cars have the same problem on your e90. it is worse when it is raining......seems to be the air vent on the dashboard that is blowing on the windscreen....quite irritating......

apologizes if this is a repeat thread.....seems to read this somewhere....
Re: car windows fog out.....

This will pretty much happen to any car if the cold hair hits the glass.

If you dont want fog, just lower the temp, reduce the fan speed, or switch off the A/C unit but keep the blower....err.blowing. And dont point the vent towards the windows! heh.

You can also divert the air from the windscreen area to frontal and toes.
Re: car windows fog out.....

thanks ryan..... :)

it seems that it is a common problem......guess have to leave with it......cheers...
Re: car windows fog out.....

There's actually a solution to this foggy problem. Just realized it recently too. Below the DTC button, there is a control that you can roll, just shift the white marker on the roller towards the red area. This should solve the problem as less cool air comes out.
Re: car windows fog out.....

thanks bro ....that is new...will try it out...

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