C&C head on with PML showrms


Now dat Cycle and Carriage has moved over to Alexandra Rd, which is the same rd dat PML is on.. PML also has a new multi-million, multi-storey showroom on the way.. C&Cs showroom looks magnifik and its said dat special functions like fashion shows etc. can be held there..

Wonder when the new PML showroom is up will any are functions able to be held there....etc BMW-SG functions...

Any opinions on wat the new showroom shud include to be out of this world?:singsing:
Re: C&C head on with PML showrms

the showroom should have a new dealer..... that would really blow my mind.

race queens would be good... as would a dyno for us to test the cars on.

oh, what the heck, how about a dyno operated by race queens?
Re: C&C head on with PML showrms

a dyno? how abt its own circuit.... Race queens wud be nice... Dey cud be the salesperson too lol..
Re: C&C head on with PML showrms

if i could buy a BMW from a vending machine, and save me some money from paying the salesperson her commission, i would...

i'd rather the CSA be a race queen, that way, whenever i bang table, i can watch the bixenons bob up and down.
Re: C&C head on with PML showrms

I hope PML doesnt spend too much money on the premises, else they will hike up the price of the cars n parts to make up for the investment : LOL