Re: BMW-SG Children's Cancer drive thru. 3rd sept sign up.
EVC, on behalf of CCF and the kids, would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone from the BMW.SG Club who had turned up to support the EVent in one way or another. Without your generous donation and participation, this EVent wouldn't be a success because life is more than just receiving.
We'll provide a link to the photos once they are ready
Here is our thread where thank you notes are posted by everyone and anyone :
The above is an official note.
On a personal basis, it was a great feeling to see so many of you guys turning up and supported our event. Being the initiator of mixing charity with an automotive club 5 years ago, this year I am pretty satisfied that the objective of creating awareness had reached another level that I will never have imagined when I kickstarted it. My sincere appreciation.
Just an update : We have an average count of 650 vehicles which means BHP Auto will donate S$2500 for hitting the 500 vehicles mark. As for the total sales of tulips, mini Tees and handphone strap we have yet to receive the figures. I will definitely fill you guys in when CCF inform us.
Thanks and best regards,
Joseph aka CaddyJ
Vice Chairman
EuroVanClub Team
THD Drive-Thru Organising Committee