Auto-transmission insurance?


Well-Known Member
Yes I've heard of this before. Honestly , how practical this scheme is another issue. Basically, the logic is to put small amounts of money every year in the anticipation that if your tranny kaputz prematurely, you wont have to fork out large amounts of money to replace the tranny. Which makes sense if you are the type of person who abuses your tranny . Think about it. $700 x 5 years = $3500.

5 years is about the earliest time that a typical auto tranny will kaputz. Repairing the tranny will cost about the same amount and if you replace the whole tranny with a reconditioned one, its about $5000 plus.

Personally, I would not go for it because....

1) It is not priced competitively. I mean, on the average most auto tranny will not kaputz at 5 years .... meaning you will just lose your 3.5 k premium just like *snap* that. If they say, 50 bucks a year, then likely. Remember fellas, you're paying about $2000 plus a year to insure the possible total destruction of a $160,000 plus worth of an automobile?! Yeah... you can work out the sums and proportion right?

2) I do not believe in paying somebody who plays around with my insecurities. Honestly, this scheme would not even come into consideration if in general Singaporeans are not a kiasu lot! Honestly, the company already earn a lot from reconditioning auto trans. Then they get a lot of 3.5 k's from a lot of cars whose tranny will not kaputz on them (obviously) at 5 years. Now that's a lot of money

3) And dont quote me but I heard that Khang's been having a bit of a problem with the QC. That was about 2 years back. Dunno whether they have imporoved their services.

Topaz Blue NOT secure...
mmm... totally agree, 2nd hand recon gear box for my nissan 5 yrs ago was only 800..

BTW saw your car at hougang u working there now?
Yeah... working hougang now. Saw your classmate there I think.. this clinic called Dentaland.... what's his name? By the way, how's the 7er coming along? How come never see u at meetups???

Topaz Blue NOT a dentist...

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