Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)


Hope to get some advise from experts in the forum.

I have just bought an 8 months old BMW 730i. So far very happy with it. I have done a Hiop ECU flashing, did a pre-Dyno, waiting to do a post flashing Dyno to see what is the difference.

THe next thing I am looking at tweaking is the audio system. I am no audiophile, and the stock system sounds decent to me. However, my itchy behind wants me to get the audio upgraded. My budget is around 2K

Questions to the experts
1. Will spending 2K on the sound system make significant difference to the sounds.
2. If so, how shall I go about it, what systems would you guy suggest.

Thanks in advance
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

After reading the past threads, I called up a few shops to check around.

Swift motion said they wouldn't touch the E65-they said too complicated.

Tye Electronics also said not worth it, something about optical fibre ??

Went to Hong Guan, they sounded very confident. Suggested the following setup

1. Focal 100 V2
2. Cadence Z4300
3. PPI Preamp Par 650
4. Morel 10" Subwoofer

Total about 3K.

WHat do you guys think. I am abit scared alreadi. How come first 2 shops dare not do the E65. Is it that 'dangerous'. Is Hong Guan overly confident. Will they scrw it up.

Thanks for any opinions
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

sa13sg said:
Hope to get some advise from experts in the forum.

I have just bought an 8 months old BMW 730i. So far very happy with it. I have done a Hiop ECU flashing, did a pre-Dyno, waiting to do a post flashing Dyno to see what is the difference.

THe next thing I am looking at tweaking is the audio system. I am no audiophile, and the stock system sounds decent to me. However, my itchy behind wants me to get the audio upgraded. My budget is around 2K

Questions to the experts
1. Will spending 2K on the sound system make significant difference to the sounds.
2. If so, how shall I go about it, what systems would you guy suggest.

Thanks in advance

Hi sa13sg, welcum and congrats on your new ride. Another E65 owner here!!

I am no Audio freak.. so paiseh no comment on the audio part cos i find existing audio on an E65 is perfect for me.

Very interested to know whats your pre-dyno result on wheels and on crank and oso where u did it. Hope u can oso share with us on the dyno result after hiop installed.

Any other mods u planning to do in near future?
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

John, is that you? Sounds like you.

Besides the subwoofer option that ycy fitted, have u thought of retro-fitting the logic 7 system from PML? I've listened to a 5 series factory fitted with such a system and the sound imaging / processing is definitely superior to the already good standard system fitted in our cars. How much $$ or could it really be retrofitted, I don't know.
Tye is correct. our car uses optical fibres to carry audio signals instead of the usual wires. High tech but hardly necessary, in my opinion.

Yes. Do share with us your post HIOP figures once u have them. I know that there is a definite increase ( butt feel ) but am always curious about the actual figures.
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

Unfortunately PML said that Logic 7 cannot be retrofitted. SO that is out.

Regarding the Hiop. I went to Dynanometer to do the Dyno. Guess what, the Pre-flashing Dyno showed my 8 months old BMW 730i has 247 HP. THe chart actually showed 190, but Shawn said I have to multiply that number by 1.3. I intend to scan the pre and post flashing chart and post it once I have done it. Personally, I felt there is some improvement in the low torque, but it may be placebo effect. SO, very keen to know the Dyno results-probably by this weekend
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

sa13sg said:
Regarding the Hiop. I went to Dynanometer to do the Dyno. Guess what, the Pre-flashing Dyno showed my 8 months old BMW 730i has 247 HP. THe chart actually showed 190, but Shawn said I have to multiply that number by 1.3. I intend to scan the pre and post flashing chart and post it once I have done it. Personally, I felt there is some improvement in the low torque, but it may be placebo effect. SO, very keen to know the Dyno results-probably by this weekend

Hmmm.. paper spec is 231bhp so quite amazing to hear 247bhp. Heard from a friend mention that for 2 wheels drive, the on wheels figure should multiply by 1.2 to get on crank figure whereas 4 wheels drive multiply by 1.3???

Anyhow figures are still figures, if no butt feel, figures show extra 30bhp oso no use.

Thanks for sharing and look forward to your results! cheers!
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

Yes, it's me. Equally impatient like you, Hiop before warranty is over :)
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

I think multiply by 1.2 is probably more correct. That makes mine 228 HP. Close to spec.

Will definitely share my results.
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

Swift Motion wouldn't touch , i suspect the reason is because the budget is low for their liking. They are expensive. I dont drive a 7 so i cant comment much.
hong guan is familiar with bmws..not sure about 7s though. They are probably reading this thread hehe... i wouldnt take cadence, i would take Focal but Utopia at least... the tweets can be very bright if not installed and tuned properly. I wouldnt install a pre-amp, if i do, i would take Audiocontrol. Or try the JL Audio Cleansweep instead. Morel makes very good speakers... depending on how much they charging for the sub, there are better alternatives though. I would go for 12". Above are just my humble opinions... disclaimer: i m no expert.

Go to Dynasty...see if Jason would do for you. But u probably have to up the budget. Or if u go back to Swift and tell Sam u have $10k..i m sure something can be done.
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

Thanks for the advice oneheadlight. But I am not prepared to spend 10K on the audio. In fact Swift Motion did not ask for my budget, they just said they will not touch the E65. Funny ya.

I will go to dynasty and try, I just need a second opinion. So far only Hong Guan is keen.

But the responds from Swift Motion still scares me into thinking maybe others are just experimenting with my 7.
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

can tell me what is dynasty contact. It was not even in the SIngtel 100
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

Dynasty soundcraft. Ask for JAson 6276 2230. He's a good sales person... you have been warned :)
Re: Audio Upgrade for E65 (730i)

thanks a lot. Don't worry, my itchyiness not that severe. I am so concern about the my car not being put back properly that I will probably try to live wih my sound system. Unless someone with 730 has done it and give a good report..