Hi recently notice that my audio, whether in radio, usb or song saved in harddisk experiencing a intermittent skip every now and the. The pause in audio is less than a second but you will known it. Any idea what causes it?
Hi Meek, it's a long story. I believe mine is the 1st unit to have this problem. So lot of parts changed to find a solution. Car in and out for many months since 2-weeks old. Glad they finally resolved the problem.
Hi whats your issue such that the story is long and many parts change?
I supposed is more electronic than anything. I recently change my car batt. Not sure if thats the cause
If I remember correctly, the parts are amplifiers, CIC, antenna, multimedia control unit...........
I remember the last part that they had changed and resolved the problem was another amplifier
I sent my car to PML Alexandra. Hope this help
Thanks. I do not have this problem since i had the car 3 yr plus ago but only recently when i post. Funny is after posting, the issue went away for the last two days. No more skipping.... Have to monitor to see if it comes back. Thanks for the input anyway. Appreciate it
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